quotations about adultery

Adultery quote

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.


attributed, And I Quote

O curse of marriage, that we can call these delicate creatures ours and not their appetites.



Tags: William Shakespeare, marriage

Statistically speaking, there is a 65 percent chance that the love of your life is having an affair. Be very suspicious.


You Are Worthless

Physical infidelity is the signal, the notice given, that all the fidelities are undermined.


The Days Before

Tags: Katherine Anne Porter

But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding; he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.


Tags: women, soul

The heart of the moral wrong of adultery is that a covenant, a sacred commitment, has been broken. The one-flesh union which set this relationship apart from all others has been torn asunder by one of the spouses and by a third party that has now entered into the oneness of the relationship.


The Meaning of Sex

Tags: relationships

Marriage is honourable, as you say; and if so, wherefore should Cuckoldom be a Discredit, being deriv'd from so honourable a Root?


The Way of the World

Tags: William Congreve

For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil; But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.


Tags: Hell

You have heard that it was said, "Do not commit adultery." But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

MATTHEW 5:27-28

Tags: Bible, lust

We shouldn't call for adulterers to be stoned to death in the street, but neither should we become pathetic apologists who pretend that affairs can be understandable or accidental. They can't be. They aren't. They're intentional and evil. Always, everywhere, every time.


"Cheating On Your Spouse Is Not A Mistake", The Blaze, August 28, 2015

There's also emotional adultery--developing emotional intimacy with someone other than your spouse. There is a kind of emotional closeness that a married person should share with no one but his or her spouse. Emotional adultery usually begins with a married couple losing that emotional connection they once enjoyed with one another. More and more they become like roommates who live separate lives. A wife no longer feels understood by her husband. A husband feels he can no longer share his true feelings with his wife. When this takes place in a marriage, spouses become vulnerable to this emotional form of adultery. You meet someone, and at first it seems like nothing. You say, "We're just friends. What's wrong with that? He's just someone I do business with." Or, "She understands the pressure I live with. I can talk to her. What's so dangerous about that?" But a scenario like this often leads to more. Pretty soon you're sharing things you don't share with your spouse. You're keeping meetings and conversations a secret. You find yourself looking forward to seeing that person and spending time with him or her. You're exchanging physical touches that might look platonic to others, but you both know there's more to it than that. This is how physical adultery starts.


Ten: How the Commandments Set Us Free

Cheating is easy. There's no swank to infidelity. To borrow against the trust someone has placed in you costs nothing at first. You get away with it, you take a little more and a little more until there is no more to draw on. Oddly, your hands should be full with all that taking but when you open them there's nothing there.


Written on the Body

Tags: Jeanette Winterson, trust

When adultery occurs, three of the Ten Commandments are broken: you shall not commit adultery, not lie, and not covet your neighbor's spouse.


The Meaning of Sex

Tags: sin

Divorce is the sacrament of adultery.


Tags: divorce

A man commits adultery by taking from the married woman what her husband has claimed as his sole privilege. It is this "property rights" issue that distinguishes adultery. Strictly speaking adultery is not a sex issue. Adultery is not "sex with someone other than one's spouse." Adultery is taking what belongs to someone else.


Divine Sex

Tags: sex

Adultery is the highest invasion of property.


Regina v. Mawgridge

When my husband had an affair with someone else I watched his eyes glaze over when we ate dinner together and I heard him singing to himself without me, and when he tended the garden it was not for me. He was courteous and polite; he enjoyed being at home, but in the fantasy of his home I was not the one who sat opposite him and laughed at his jokes. He didn't want to change anything; he liked his life. The only thing he wanted to change was me.


Sexing the Cherry

Tags: Jeanette Winterson

It's okay for a man to commit adultery if his wife is ugly.


attributed, The Greatest Quotations of All Time

Adultery is in most cases a theft in the dark. At such moments almost every woman betrays her husband's innermost secrets; becomes a Delilah who discloses to a stranger, discloses to her lover, the mysteries of her husband's strength or weakness. What seems to me treason is, not that women give themselves, but that a woman is prone, when she does so, to justify herself to herself by uncovering her husband's nakedness, exposing it to the inquisitive and scornful gaze of a stranger.


Confusion of Feelings or Confusion

Tags: Stefan Zweig

If we truly trace the root of infidelity, it will always go back to the condition of a man or woman's relationship with God.


"Why infidelity never starts with sex and what you can do to guard against it", Christian Today, September 4, 2016