quotations about anger

Anger quote

Anger arises for specific and understandable reasons, just like any other emotions, such as happiness and sadness. Emotions are an essential part of being a human being, so if your goal is to completely eliminate anger from your life, forget it! First of all, this would be an impossible task. Second, you wouldn't want to do that, even if you could, any more than you would want to eliminate love, joy, or fear. All emotions have their proper place in a man's life; the experience of emotion is what makes life rich. And there are times when anger is an appropriate reaction to events and people.


Beyond Anger

Tags: emotion

Anger is like a flame blazing up and consuming our self-control, making us think, say, and do things that we will probably regret later.



Tags: Thich Nhat Hanh, regret

When we're angry, we yell, criticize, judge, shut down, give the silent treatment, isolate or say, "I'm fine!" (without of course being fine). These actions end up hurting both the other person and us. They feel bad, and we might feel worse. We might regret the insults and judgments we hurled their way. We might feel frustrated that we didn't articulate the real reason behind our anger. We might feel frustrated that we weren't heard.


"How to Express Your Anger Effectively", PsychCentral, February 26, 2016

We've gotten better at acting like anger doesn't exist, but it clearly still does. Letting it out, every now and then, actually is a healthy thing. May it never go too far, one way or the other. Don't hold it all the way in and don't let it all the way out, but a little toot of anger, every now and then, is a nice thing.


"Jason Sudeikis: 'A Toot Of Anger Is A Good Thing'", Contact Music, February 29, 2016

I am angry nearly every day of my life, but I have learned not to show it; and I still try to hope not to feel it, though it may take me another forty years to do it.


Little Women

Tags: Louisa May Alcott

Anger is a form of madness. The words we apply to it show that human beings have long recognized its character. We still speak of angry people as mad. We sometimes say that they are "furious" or "in a fury." Some people are led by anger into the most violent excesses. Anger is one of the commonest causes of murder and it often leads to the infliction of blows, mental or physical, that might easily occasion murder. Oftener still it commits murder without loss of life, by doing to minds and souls mischief irreparable. In one respect anger is like drunkenness. It tends to destroy prudence. Where the intoxication of anger is complete, prudence disappears altogether. Then the way is clear for infamy. There are some people who, when they have once yielded to anger, lose all control. They snatch any weapon within reach. If they cannot strike with things they will strike with words, often far more terrible in their effect. They will make statements that can never be atoned for, that will sting and burn to the end of life.



Tags: John Daniel Barry

Anger is nature's way of discouraging people from d**king us around.


"Google's driverless car has finally crashed. Might humans be safer?", The Spectator, March 12, 2016

Comprehending the attractiveness of anger is an essential element for its healing. There is something absolutely delicious about finding fault with others and making one's own insecurities the justification for demonizing others. But rather than simply condemning anger or allowing it free rein, we can approach it with gentle inquiry. What values are being threatened? What beliefs are being jeopardized? What control is being wrested from our grasp? And conversely, how good does it feel judging others, punishing them, and relishing in revenge? If anger is delicious, we should be willing to recognize how much we take delight in threatening, haranguing, and demeaning those from whom we feel separate.


"How Demagogues Turn Anger Into Collective Poison: The Middle-Finger Party", Huffington Post, March 2, 2016

If you don't know what to do when angry, you like most people, have an unfortunate tendency to make up your own interventions. This DIY approach to managing anger is counter-productive and ineffective. It only prolongs the pain and magnifies its destructive consequences. You are pouring salt in your wound.


"The Misunderstood Emotion: Getting to Know Your Anger", Good Therapy, March 9, 2016

Never get angry. Never make a threat. Reason with people.


The Godfather

Tags: Mario Puzo, reason

Be ye angry and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.


Tags: Bible

When anger is not trampling roughshod through our nervous system, it is sitting sullenly in some unspecified internal organ. "She's got a lot of anger in her," people will say (it nestles, presumably, somewhere in the gut), or, "He's a deeply angry man" (as opposed, presumably, to a superficially angry one). If anger isn't released, it "turns inward" and metamorphoses into another creature altogether.


Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion

If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase.


Tags: Epictetus

Anger is poison. You must purge it from your mind or else it will corrupt your better nature.



Tags: Christopher Paolini

As anger is a passing storm, so it comes not gradually and with signs, but like a sudden sweep of wind or black squall.



A mild answer calms wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.


Tags: Bible

We occasionally hear of "righteous anger." We mean anger that is justified by circumstances. But, in a sense, all anger is righteous. That is, all anger justifies itself in the mind of the person who feels the anger. In another sense, there is no such thing as righteous anger. For no anger can really justify itself.



Tags: John Daniel Barry

Anger is a noble infirmity, the generous failing of the just, the one degree that riseth above zeal, asserting the prerogative of virtue.


"Of Hatred and Anger"

Tags: Martin Farquhar Tupper

We often fixate on how negative anger can be--how it can take hold of us, how it can hurt others and ourselves. We talk about wanting to get rid of it. The thing is, it's not going anywhere. Anger is here to stay, no matter how happy you are, no matter how much you are in sync with the universe, no matter how much enlightenment has touched you. You are going to get angry. And thank goodness for that. Because anger can point the way. It can spring us to action; many forces of change are motivated by anger. If it were the only motivation, we'd be like 2-year-olds, but combine anger with a conscience and a sense of justice and you have the makings of a social movement.


"The Misunderstood Emotion: Getting to Know Your Anger", Good Therapy, March 9, 2016

All anger is actually a vulnerable emotion in disguise. If someone insults you, underneath your anger is pain. If your teen walks in three hours past curfew, underneath your anger is fear and worry. If someone publicly chastens you, underneath your anger is embarrassment. These vulnerable emotions are what you need to communicate, not the anger.


"Your Family Expert: Managing anger to connect more and fight less", The Independent, March 1, 2016