Italian Dominican friar & priest (1225-1274)

Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory,
Of His Flesh, the mystery sing;
Of the Blood, all price exceeding,
Shed by our Immortal King,
Destined, for the world's redemption,
From a noble Womb to spring.


Pange Lingua Gloriosi Corporis Mysterium

Tags: Jesus

Baptism is the door of the spiritual life and the gateway to the sacraments.


Summa Theologica

Tags: baptism

So in the world one grade of union was lacking, the one more wonderful than the others. For in our world there are four kinds of union: the first is the union of something corruptible with something corruptible, as in natural things. The second is the union of something corruptible with something incorruptible, as in human beings. The third is the union of something incorruptible with something incorruptible, as in spiritual things: a union of essentia and potentia. The fourth, however, was lacking: the union of something temporal with something eternal. Well, this union was made when the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.


sermon on the First Sunday of Advent, "Veniet Desideratus", The Academic Sermons

It must be said that charity can, in no way, exist along with mortal sin.


Quaestiones disputatae: De caritate

Sin is a spiritual illness; thus sinners are in need of salvation.


"Osanna filio David", The Academic Sermons

Tags: sin

Law: an ordinance of reason for the common good, made by him who has care of the community.


Summa Theologica

Tags: law

Charity is not a potency of the soul, because if it were it would be natural. Nor is it a passion, because it is not in a sensitive potency in which are all passions. Nor is it a habit, because a habit is removed with difficulty; charity, however, is easily lost through one act of mortal sin. Therefore charity is not something created in the soul.


On Charity

Moreover, virtue is not concerned with the amount of pleasure experienced by the external sense, as this depends on the disposition of the body; what matters is how much the interior appetite is affected by that pleasure.


Summa Theologica

Tags: virtue

To love is to will the good of the other.


Summa Theologica

Tags: love

It must be said that charity is, without a doubt, a virtue. Now since a virtue is that which makes its possessor good and renders his works good, it is clear that man is ordered to his proper good according to the proper virtue. But the proper good of man must be considerd in various ways, according as man is understood under various aspects. The proper good of man as man is the good of reason, in that to be a man is to be rational. But the good of man considered as an artist is the good of art; so also considered in his political character, his good is the common good of the state. Since virtue operates for good, it is necessary for virtue of any kind that it operate well for the good, i.e., voluntarily, readily, with delight and firmly. These are the conditions of virtuous operation which are not found in any operation unless the agent love the good for which he is working, because love is the principle of all the voluntary affective powers. For, that which is loved is desired when it is not possessed; there is pleasure when it is possessed; and those things which prevent one from having what has been loved cause sadness. Also, those things which are done out of love are done steadily, rapidly and with delight. Therefore love of the good, for which virtue operates, is necessary for virtue.


On Charity

If ... the motion of the earth were circular, it would be violent and contrary to nature, and could not be eternal, since ... nothing violent is eternal.... It follows, therefore, that the earth is not moved with a circular motion.


Commentaria in libros Aristotelis de caelo et mundo

The perfection of the effect demonstrates the perfection of the cause, for a greater power brings about a more perfect effect. But God is the most perfect agent. Therefore, things created by Him obtain perfection from Him. So, to detract from the perfection of creatures is to detract from the perfection of divine power.


Summa Contra Gentiles

The principal act of courage is to endure and withstand dangers doggedly rather than to attack them.


Summa Theologica

Tags: courage