quotations about artificial intelligence
It's true that the upheaval brought by the arrival of AI will initially disrupt existing employment patterns as roles are redefined and shared between man and machine. On the flip side there is the potential for job creation and enterprise opportunities, brought about by the displacement of mundane and repetitive work, freeing up valuable time and creativity applicable to roles higher up the value chain -- jobs where people, rather than machines, are essential.
How artificial intelligence is driving the next industrial revolution", Information Age, February 10, 2016
Whether we are based on carbon or on silicon makes no fundamental difference; we should each be treated with appropriate respect.
2010: Odyssey Two
Given the zero percent historical success rate of apocalyptic predictions, coupled with the incrementally gradual development of AI over the decades, we have plenty of time to build in fail-safe systems to prevent any such AI apocalypse.
"Artificial Intelligence Is Not a Threat--Yet", Scientific American, March 2017
In case you are sitting here pondering this question thinking that AI will never eliminate human intelligence because humans still have to program and train them, that isn't entirely true. Right now, there are of course still researchers, programmers, and engineers who train robots and rudimentary AI systems. However, more and more code -- much of it in relation to AI -- is actually being written by AI programs already. Programmers today no longer have to write long complex codes for AI telling the robot to do this or that. They simply have to write code that tells a program to write code telling the AI to do this or that.
"Will Artificial Intelligence Spell the End for Human Intelligence", Interesting Engineering, March 31, 2017
The insight at the root of artificial intelligence was that these "bits" (manipulated by computers) could just as well stand as symbols for concepts that the machine would combine by the strict rules of logic or the looser associations of psychology.
AI: The Tumultuous History of the Search for Artificial Intelligence
If you're scared of artificial intelligence, you should know it's already everywhere.
Popular Science, June 19, 2018
Any kind of artificial intelligence clearly needs to possess great knowledge. But if we are going to deploy AI agents widely in society at large -- on our highways, in our nursing homes and schools, in our businesses and governments -- we will need machines to be wise as well as smart.
"Safe artificial intelligence requires cultural intelligence", Tech Crunch, September 11, 2018
I'm hoping the reader can see that artificial intelligence is better understood as a belief system than as a technology.
"One Half of a Manifesto", The New Humanists: Science at the Edge
In a way, AI is both closer and farther off than we imagine. AI is closer to being able to do more powerful things than most people expect -- driving cars, curing diseases, discovering planets, understanding media. Those will each have a great impact on the world, but we're still figuring out what real intelligence is.
"Building Jarvis", Facebook, December 19, 2016
If a machine can teach itself how to fly a helicopter upside down, it may be able to teach itself other things too, like how to find love on Tinder, or recognize your voice when you speak into your iPhone, or, at the outer reaches, design a Terminator-spewing Skynet.
"Inside the Artificial Intelligence Revolution: A Special Report, Pt. 1", Rolling Stone, February 29, 2016
When people are told that a computer is intelligent, they become prone to changing themselves in order to make the computer appear to work better, instead of demanding that the computer be changed to become more useful.
You Are Not a Gadget
There's a thought exercise called Roko's Basilisk, which is head-meltingly complex, but part of it is that we only think AI has not emerged yet. The AI has in fact created a pre-AI reality to test how humans will react to the possibility of AI. If you're not keen, then the Basilisk won't be too pleased with you, as you're in favour of denying it existence.
"The dark side of artificial intelligence is doomsday scary", The Irish Times, June 2, 2018
Each practitioner thinks there's one magic way to get a machine to be smart, and so they're all wasting their time in a sense. On the other hand, each of them is improving some particular method, so maybe someday in the near future, or maybe it's two generations away, someone else will come around and say, "Let's put all these together," and then it will be smart.
"Artificial Intelligence Pioneer", NOVA, Jan. 27, 2011
AI skeptics are unconvincing when they say it's an unsolvable technological problem, and that there's something intrinsically unique about biological brains. Our brains are biological machines, but they're machines nonetheless; they exist in the real world and adhere to the basic laws of physics. There's nothing unknowable about them.
"Everything You Know About Artificial Intelligence is Wrong", Gizmodo, March 14, 2016
Although we don't know much about how the human brain works, we know a bit more about how it got to this state: natural selection. So some people are trying to artificially replicate natural selection with machines -- although it won't take millions of years, because it's less random. It's called evolutionary computation, or genetic algorithms, and it sets up machines to do certain tasks; when one is successful through trial and error, it's combined with other machines that are successful. But it's an iterative process, which presents a problem: We don't know how long it will take to create intelligence equal to our own.
"Artificial intelligence and language", Tech Crunch, March 12, 2016
Artificial intelligence may well help solve the most complex problems humankind faces, like curing cancer and climate change -- but in the near term, it is also likely to empower surveillance, erode privacy and turbocharge telemarketers.
"Inside the Artificial Intelligence Revolution: A Special Report, Pt. 1", Rolling Stone, February 29, 2016
Worrying about AI evil superintelligence today is like worrying about overpopulation on the planet Mars. We haven't even landed on the planet yet!
"Chief Scientist at Baidu, Andrew Ng, Explains if Artificial Intelligence Is A Threat To Humanity", Huffington Post, February 8, 2016
AI is only as good as the data that we can feed it.
"The Power of Artificial Intelligence is to Make Better Decisions", Huffington Post, January 28, 2017
Even the smartest AI will relentlessly follow its code once set in motion -- and this means that, if we are meaningfully to debate the adaptation of a human world into a machine-mediated one, this must take place at the design stage.
"How much should we fear the rise of artificial intelligence?", The Guardian, March 18, 2016
The techniques of artificial intelligence are to the mind what bureaucracy is to human social interaction.
"Thinking Machines: Can there be? Are we?"