quotations about atheism

The highest praise of God consists in the denial of him by the atheist who finds creation so perfect that it can dispense with a creator.


The Guermantes Way

Tags: Marcel Proust, God

It appears as if you were not satisfied in recording our Atheism. You jump to the conclusion that we can have neither love nor respect for mankind, inferring that all those great ideas or emotions which, in all ages, have set hearts throbbing are dead letters to us. Trailing at hazard our miserable existences -- crawling, rather than walking, as you wish to imagine us -- you assume that we cannot know of other feelings than the satisfaction of our coarse and sensual desires. Do you want to know to what an extent we love the beautiful things that you revere? Know then that we love them so much that we are both angry and tired at seeing them hanging, out of reach, from your idealistic sky.


The Policy of the International: to which is added an essay on "The Two Camps"

Tags: Mikhail Bakunin

What is Atheism? In itself nothing; a denial of a positive idea. Every negation involves a position. And if every positive idea be a reality, a negation is nothing.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: Sabine Baring-Gould

Let us enquire. Who, then, shall challenge the words? Why are they challenged. And by whom? By those who call themselves the guardians of morality, and who are the constituted guardians of religion. Enquiry, it seems, suits not them. They have drawn the line, beyond which human reason shall not pass -- above which human virtue shall not aspire! All that is without their faith or above their rule, is immorality, is atheism, is -- I know not what.


Course of Popular Lectures

Tags: Frances Wright, morality

Whilst no people appears in history without the sign and palladium of a positive faith, without temple, altar, priesthood--that is to say, without a constituted religion--unbelief appears only under an individual form, sometimes proscribed, sometimes tolerated, seldom powerful, and never becoming established as the public and social expression of a nation.


God and Man: Conferences Delivered at Notre Dame in Paris by the Rev. Père Lacordaire

Tags: Henri-Dominique Lacordaire

What men deny is not God, but some preposterous idol of the imagination.



Tags: imagination

Men have left GOD not for other gods, they say, but for no God; and this has never happened before.


The Rock

Tags: T. S. Eliot, God

Society must fight against this belief in God as it fought against idol worship and other narrow conceptions of religion. In this way man will try to stand on his feet. Being realistic, he will have to throw his faith aside and face all adversaries with courage and valour.


"Why I Am an Atheist", October 5-6, 1930

Stripped of the opportunities for satire which organised religion cannot help but supply, the case for atheism has very little substance.


"Sunlight on Dungheaps", Independent on Sunday, Jun. 10, 2001

Tags: religion

Believers talk about atheism as if it's a pathology of a particularly odd phase of modern Western culture that will pass, but if you ask someone to think hard, clearly people also thought this way in antiquity.


Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World

We tend to see atheism as an idea that has only recently emerged in secular Western societies. The rhetoric used to describe it is hyper-modern. In fact, early societies were far more capable than many since of containing atheism within the spectrum of what they considered normal. Rather than making judgements based on scientific reason, these early atheists were making what seem to be universal objections about the paradoxical nature of religion -- the fact that it asks you to accept things that aren't intuitively there in your world. The fact that this was happening thousands of years ago suggests that forms of disbelief can exist in all cultures, and probably always have.


Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World

Atheism can benefit no class of people; neither the unfortunate, whom it bereaves of hope, nor the prosperous, whose joys it renders insipid, nor the soldier, of whom it makes a coward, nor the woman whose beauty and sensibility it mars, nor the mother, who has a son to lose, nor the rulers of men, who have no surer pledge of the fidelity of their subjects than religion.


The Genius of Christianity

Tags: religion

Would the atheist continue such, let him beware how he admits Love into his breast: for God will surely come along with him.


De Flagello Myrtes

Tags: Richard Garnett, love

The Atheist is God playing at hide and seek with Himself.


Thoughts and Aphorisms

Tags: Sri Aurobindo

A man who parades his piety is one who, under an atheist king, would be an atheist.


Les Caracteres ou les Moeurs de ce siecle

Absolute atheism starts in an act of faith in reverse gear and is a full-blown religious commitment.


The Range of Reason

Tags: Jacques Maritain

God never wrought miracle, to convince atheism, because his ordinary works convince it.


"Of Atheism", Essays

Tags: Francis Bacon, miracles

When men live as if there were no God, it becomes expedient for them that there should be none.


"The Folly of Scoffing at Religion", Works

Tags: John Tillotson, sin

Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.


Collected Edition of Heywood Broun

Tags: God

The thing framed says that nothing framed it; the tongue never made itself to speak, and yet talks against him that did; saying that which is made, is, and that which made it, is not. But this folly is infinite as hell, as much without light or bound as the chaos or the primitive nothing.


Sermon XX, Discourses on Various Subjects

Tags: Jeremy Taylor