English economist and political analyst (1826-1877)

Sydney Smith was an after-dinner writer. His words have a flow, a vigor, an expression, which is not given to hungry mortals. You seem to read of good wine, of good cheer, of beaming and buoyant enjoyment. There is little trace of labor in his composition ; it is poured forth like an unceasing torrent, rejoicing daily to run its course.


Literary Studies

Tags: labor

Some part of the difference between England and America arises undoubtedly not from political causes but from economical. America is not a country sensitive to taxes; no great country has perhaps ever been so unsensitive in this respect; certainly she is far less sensitive than England. In reality America is too rich; daily industry there is too common, too skilful, and too productive, for her to care much for fiscal burdens. She is applying all the resources of science and skill and trained labour, which have been in long ages painfully acquired in old countries, to develop with great speed the richest soil and the richest mines of new countries; and the result is untold wealth. Even under a Parliamentary government such a community could and would bear taxation much more easily than Englishmen ever would.


The English Constitution

Tags: America

On few subjects has more nonsense been written than on the learning of Shakespeare.


Literary Studies

Tags: learning

Now that the suffrage is universal, the average intellect and the average culture of the constituent bodies are excessively low; and even such mind and culture as there is has long been enslaved to authority.


The English Constitution

Tags: culture

It is good to be without vices, but it is not good to be without temptations.


Biographical Studies

Tags: temptation

It is a great gain to society to have two idols: in the competition of idolatries the true worship gets a chance.


The English Constitution

Tags: chance

France expects, I fear, too little from her Parliaments ever to get what she ought.


The English Constitution

Tags: fear

But we cannot be always seeing the ocean. Its face is always large; its smile is bright; the ever-sounding shore sounds on. Yet we have no property in them. We stop and gaze; we pause and draw our breath; we look and wonder at the grandeur of the other world; but we live on shore.


Literary Studies

Tags: ocean

And though there are doubtless crises in affairs, dark and terrible moments, when a more creative intellect is needful to propose, a more dictatorial will is necessary to carry out, a sudden and daring resolution; though in times of inextricable confusion—perhaps the present is one of them—a more abstruse and disentangling intellect is required to untwist the raveled perplexities of a complicated world.


Literary Studies

Tags: the present

After all, the original way of writing books may turn out to be the best. The first author, it is plain, could not have taken anything from books, since there were no books for him to copy from; he looked at things for himself.


Literary Studies

Tags: books

There was a great deal of excellent hammering hammered in the parish, and it was sinful that a man with nothing to do should sit tranquil.


Literary Studies

The ruder sort of men—that is, men at ONE stage of rudeness—will sacrifice all they hope for, all they have, THEMSELVES, for what is called an idea—for some attraction which seems to transcend reality, which aspires to elevate men by an interest higher, deeper, wider than that of ordinary life. But this order of men are uninterested in the plain, palpable ends of government; they do not prize them; they do not in the least comprehend how they should be attained. It is very natural, therefore, that the most useful parts of the structure of government should by no means be those which excite the most reverence. The elements which excite the most easy reverence will be the THEATRICAL elements—those which appeal to the senses, which claim to be embodiments of the greatest human ideas, which boast in some cases of far more than human origin. That which is mystic in its claims; that which is occult in its mode of action; that which is brilliant to the eye; that which is seen vividly for a moment, and then is seen no more; that which is hidden and unhidden; that which is specious, and yet interesting, palpable in its seeming, and yet professing to be more than palpable in its results; this, howsoever its form may change, or however we may define it or describe it, is the sort of thing—the only sort—which yet comes home to the mass of men. So far from the dignified parts of a constitution being necessarily the most useful, they are likely, according to outside presumption, to be the least so; for they are likely to be adjusted to the lowest orders—those likely to care least and judge worst about what IS useful.


The English Constitution

Tags: Men

The old pagan has a sympathy with the religion of enthusiasm far above the reach of the modern Epicurean.


Literary Studies

Tags: religion

The most difficult of problems is how to change late foes into free friends.


The English Constitution

Tags: change

The faculties which fit a man to be a great ruler are not those of society; some great rulers have been unintelligible like Cromwell, or brusque like Napoleon, or coarse and barbarous like Sir Robert Walpole. The light nothings of the drawing-room and the grave things of office are as different from one another as two human occupations can be. There is no naturalness in uniting the two; the end of it always is, that you put a man at the head of society who very likely is remarkable for social defects, and is not eminent for social merits.


The English Constitution

Tags: light

The breed of ancient times was impaired for war by trade and luxury, but the modern breed is not so impaired.


Physics and Politics

Tags: war

So long as war is the main business of nations, temporary despotism—despotism during the campaign—is indispensable.


Physics and Politics

Tags: business

Probably in most cases the greatest wisdom of a constitutional king would show itself in well-considered inaction.


The English Constitution

Tags: wisdom

Most political crises—the decisive votes, which determine the fate of Government—are generally either on questions of foreign policy or of new laws; and the questions of foreign policy come out generally in this way, that the Government has already done something, and that it is for the one part of the legislature alone—for the House of Commons, and not for the House of Lords—to say whether they have or have not forfeited their place by the treaty they have made.


The English Constitution

Tags: questions

Most men mostly imitate what they see, and catch the tone of what they hear, and so a settled type—a persistent character—is formed.


Physics and Politics

Tags: Men