English theologian (1615-1691)

Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow.


The Reformed Pastor

All are making haste towards hell, until by conviction, Christ brings them to a halt, and then, by conversion, turns their hearts and lives sincerely to himself.


"The Nature of the Saints' Rest", The Saints' Everlasting Rest

Words and actions are transient things, and being once past, are nothing; but the effect of them on an immortal soul may be endless.


Dying Thoughts

As the fire doth mount upwards, and the needle that is touched with the loadstone still turneth to the north, so the converted soul is inclined to God. Nothing else can satisfy him, nor can he find any content and rest but in his love. In a word, all that are converted do esteem and love God better than all the world; and the heavenly felicity is dearer to them than their fleshly prosperity.


A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live

If any have more of the government of thee than Christ, or if thou hadst rather live after any other laws than his, if it were at thy choice, thou art not his disciple.


The Saints' Everlasting Rest

Christ leads me through no darker rooms than He went through before.


"Resignation", The Saints' Everlasting Rest

Tags: Jesus

Special mercy arouses more gratitude than universal mercy.


"The Splendor of the Saints' Rest", The Saints' Everlasting Rest

Tags: mercy

Do not the mathematics, and all sciences, seem full of contradictions and impossibilities to the ignorant, which are all resolved and cleared to those that understand them? It is a very foolish, audacious thing, that every novice, or young student in divinity, should expect to have all difficulties resolved presently, or else they will censure the Scriptures, and speak evil of the things they know not, instead of censuring themselves; when yet these men know, that in the easiest science, yea, or basest manufacture, they must have time to learn the reasons of them.


The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter

Nothing can be rightly known, if God be not known; nor is any study well managed, nor to any great purpose, if God is not studied.


The Reformed Pastor

Look upon all men that you converse with as ready to die and turn to dust, and passing into that world where you will be little concerned in their censure or esteem of you. If you do anything before an infant, you little care for his presence or observation of you: much less if it be before the dead. If you knew that a man were to die tomorrow, though he were a prince, you would not be much solicitous to avoid his censure or procure his applause; because his thoughts all perish with him; and it is a small matter what he thinks of you for a day.


Christian Ethics

We are members of the world and of the church, and must labour to do good to many; and therefore we have greater work to do on earth, than merely securing our own salvation.


Dying Thoughts

Lay siege to your sins, and starve them out by keeping away the food and fuel which is their maintenance and life.


The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter

Publicans and harlots do sooner come to heaven than Pharisees, because they are sooner convinced of their sin and misery.


The Reformed Pastor

Remember the perfections of that God whom you worship, that he is a Spirit, and therefore to be worshipped in spirit and truth; and that he is most great and terrible, and therefore to be worshipped with seriousness and reverence, and not to be dallied with, or served with toys or lifeless lip-service; and that he is most holy, pure, and jealous, and therefore to be purely worshipped; and that he is still present with you, and all things are naked and open to him with whom we have to do. The knowledge of God, and the remembrance of his all-seeing presence, are the most powerful means against hypocrisy.


Christian Ethics

Hypocrisy is a proud desire to appear better than you are. Be thoroughly humbled and vile in your own eyes, and hypocrisy is done.


Christian Ethics

Tags: hypocrisy

Sinful zeal doth make men doubly sinful.


"Christian Ethics", The Practical Works of Richard Baxter

Tags: sin

I preached as never sure to preach again,
And as a dying man to dying men.


Making Light of Christ and Salvation

As holy zeal is the fervency of our grace, so sinful zeal is the intention and fervency of sin.


"Christian Ethics", The Practical Works of Richard Baxter

Surely, love is both work and wages.


The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter

Tags: love

Ye holy angels bright,
Who stand before God's throne
And dwell in glorious light,
Praise ye the Lord each one.
Assist our song, or else the theme
Too high doth seem for mortal tongue.


Poetical Fragments

Tags: angels