American singer (1953- )

We had three records under our belt at this point, and we were well beyond being novices, but Terry didn't want to loosen up the reins ever. I wanted to shoot a cover that would push the envelope and move away from the sexy image a little bit. I shot this crazy cover in a padded room with my hair all nuts and red eye shadow. It still looked good, but it was certainly not what they'd consider my sex symbol image. He called me and said, "We're not doing it, and I'm coming down there." The gist of the conversation was that he was telling me I was an idiot. And he started telling me how foolish American women were, they had such issues with their sexuality and being beautiful. "I hope you don't actually think they're coming to hear you sing." And I just lost it and I just slapped him because I couldn't take it anymore.


The Los Angeles Times, June 27, 2010

We are strong
No one can tell us we're wrong
Searching our hearts for so long
Both of us knowing
Love is a battlefield


"Love is a Battlefield"

It's a little too little
It's a little too late
I'm a little too hurt
And there's nothin' left that I've gotta say
You can cry to me baby
But there's only so much I can take
Ah, it's a little too little
It's a little too late


"Little Too Late"

Ain't nobody livin', in a perfect world
Everybody's out there, cryin' to be heard
Now I got a new fire, burnin' in my eyes
Lightin' up the darkness, movin' like a meteorite


"All Fired Up"

I can't stand what people do to each other. I think we're brilliant as a species. I think we are amazing. I think that God is incredible, that He just gave us everything. Everything in our face. Everything for us to use. And sometimes we're such shitheads. And it makes me crazy.


interview, The Believer, May 1, 2003

It's always the same thing: People are always out there doing really good work, both young bands who never get heard for one reason or another, and older bands that aren't getting played because maybe they're not current. And it's always wrong. It's wrong on all levels, so I don't know what you do about it. It is what it is.


interview, AV Club