U.S. Supreme Court justice (1908-1999)

Oh, that's a machete. That comes from the Bahamas. We spent a couple of Christmas holidays down there, and there were some youngsters that thought I did a favor for them, and they gave me that as we were leaving. Everybody has a machete. They use it to cut sugar corn, clean their fingernails, and everything else. They gave that to me as we were leaving. I had a terrible time getting it on the airplane, of course.


interview with Harold Hongju Koh, July 6, 1994

When does a fellow step aside? I don't want to go off in a state of senility, as some have, even on this Court, in the past. I don't want to reach that point. And, of course, each of us is the last to know when he's reached that point. Just how much longer I'll go, I don't know.


"A Candid Talk with Justice Blackmun", New York Times Magazine, February 20, 1983

Childhood and the teen years are periods where diversity leads to discovery and, in the process, teaches. If that process is denied, we learn less and the stranglehold of ignorance breeds suspicion.


preface, Us and Them

A teacher's focus is, and should be, on teaching and helping students, rather than on developing evidence against a particular troublemaker.


New Jersey v. T.L.O., 1985

A lot of people think that when you serve on a multijudge court, it isn't lonely. But it's distinctly lonely. Certainly, being here has cut down on my social life. I think it's unfair to Mrs. Blackmun. There are not enough hours in the day for me to do some of the social things that she would like to do. I can't do both. I can't get ready for an argument session and go out nights. So in that respect, it's a little lonely, and it's lonely for her.


"A Candid Talk with Justice Blackmun", New York Times Magazine, February 20, 1983

The fundamental liberty interest of natural parents in the care, custody, and management of their child does not evaporate simply because they have not been model parents or have lost temporary custody of their child to the State.


Santosky v. Kramer, 1982