conservative political commentator (1951- )

As far as feminism is concerned ... the problem in the world is men, and they, in their natural state, are essentially incompatible. They must be tamed. They must be tempered, 'cause men are naturally brutes. They fight. They sweat. They expel gas. They're dirty. They get into fights. Ewww! And we've got to somehow reprogram all of that out, because otherwise women will be in constant peril.


The Rush Limbaugh Show, September 15, 2014

Tags: men

The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down.


"35 Undeniable Truths of Life"

Tags: trees

The way liberals are interpreting the First Amendment today is that it prevents anyone who is religious from being in government. They say that violates the prohibition against church and state.


The Way Things Ought to Be

No nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity.


See, I Told You So

Tags: taxes

Styrofoam and plastic milk jugs are biodegradable! Do you know what isn't biodegradable? Paper!


attributed, The Way Things Aren't: Rush Limbaugh's Reign of Error

The culture war is between the winners and those who think they're losers who want to become winners. The losers think the only way they can become winners is by banding together all the losers and them empowering a leader of the losers to make things right for them.


"35 Undeniable Truths of Life"

Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud.


"35 Undeniable Truths of Life"

How many of you guys, in your own experience with women, have learned that "no" means "yes" if you know how to spot it? Let me tell you something. In this modern world, that is simply not tolerated. People aren't even gonna try to understand that one. I mean, it used to be said it was a cliché. It used to be part of the advice young boys were given.


The Rush Limbaugh Show, September 15, 2014

If you feed them, if you feed the children, three square meals a day during the school year, how can you expect them to feed themselves in the summer? Wanton little waifs and serfs dependent on the State. Pure and simple.


The Rush Limbaugh Show, December 2011

So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal: If we are going to pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is -- we want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.


The Rush Limbaugh Show, March 1, 2011

The Eighties proved we don't need liberals.


interview, Playboy, November 2011

Enraging liberals is simply one of the more enjoyable side effects of my wisdom.


attributed, The Nastiest Things Ever Said about Democrats

There isn't a single government agency that can't function. There's more money in this federal government, there's more money allocated than these people can possibly spend. They have to concoct asinine ways to spend it, like advertising for new food stamp users. I've gotten to the point, I'm just so righteously indignant and offended at the very idea that our government could ever run out of money when we've got a printing press, for crying out loud. Printed three and a half trillion dollars over seven years and flooded Wall Street with it.


The Rush Limbaugh Show, February 16, 2015

It's sort of like hazing, a fraternity prank. Sort of like that kind of fun.


statement about abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib by U. S. soldiers, They Said What?: Astonishing Quotes on American Democracy, Power, and Dissent

Tags: torture

The last thing in the world someone should do is respond to critics. If I did that I'd be neutered by now--I would be in the nearest insane asylum wearing 15 straitjackets. My whole career has been nothing but: "You shouldn't do it that way, you bigot, you sexist, you homophobe, you pig, you right-wing warmonger, you whatever."


interview, Playboy, November 2011

Tags: criticism

You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun.


The Rush Limbaugh Show, January 16, 2013

From this day forward, somebody propose it, liberals should not be allowed to buy guns. It's just that simple. Liberals should have their speech controlled and not be allowed to buy guns. I mean if we want to get serious about this, if we want to face this head on, we're gonna have to openly admit, liberals should not be allowed to buy guns, nor should they be allowed to use computer keyboards or typewriters, word processors or e-mails, and they should have their speech controlled. If we did those three or four things, I can't tell you what a sane, calm, civil, fun-loving society we would have. Take guns out of the possession, out of the hands of liberals, take their typewriters and their keyboards away from 'em, don't let 'em anywhere near a gun, and control their speech. You would wipe out 90% of the crime, 85 to 95% of the hate, and a hundred percent of the lies from society.


The Rush Limbaugh Show, January 2011

Tags: liberals

The vast majority of the rich in this country did not inherit their wealth; they earned it. They are the country's achievers, producers, and job creators.


"35 Undeniable Truths of Life"

Tags: wealth

This is so classic. Government comes along under the guise of fairness, fixes something, gonna make it fair, gonna make it equal, gonna make it affordable, maybe even make it free. What they end up doing is blowing it all to hell, screwing it up worse than it's ever been screwed up, then their voters bellyache and complain about it. And the same Democrats come back and demand that something be done, because their voters need a second chance.


"Pearls of Wisdom", February 16, 2015

So I shamelessly say, no, I want [Obama] to fail, if his agenda is a far-left collectivism, some people say socialism, as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?


Hannity's America, January 22, 2009

Tags: Barack Obama