quotations about loyalty

Most ethical principles are pretty unambiguously good. Honesty, fairness, compassion--sure they have their downsides (being "honest to a fault"), but that's more a by-product of something good than it is something evil in and of itself. Then there's loyalty. While ostensibly a positive trait, we are much more apt these days to hear about loyalty in the context of problems--loyalty to a country or religion leading to fanatical acts of chauvinism or violence, loyalty to family or friends leading to nepotism and cronyism in government, or loyalty to co-workers or a company leading to cover-ups of financial chicanery or unethical dealings.


"Is Loyalty A Force For Good Or Evil?", Forbes, January 11, 2016

In thy face I see
The map of honor, truth, and loyalty.


King Henry VI, Part II

Tags: William Shakespeare

People who work for major corporations have to work tirelessly to loyally advance the interests of the corporations; servants of pop stars sign confidentiality agreements based on loyalty. Political parties, and some administrations, demand absolute personal loyalty, sometimes to the detriment of other qualities. so the first point is that loyalty isn't particularly military; it's touted as a virtue in any sub-world where we need people to act at the behest of other people.


Bridging the Military-civilian Divide

Surveys vary but it is common for them to conclude that more than 50% of married people admit to being disloyal to their spouses. In our times, even the pretense of life-long loyalty is fading.


Our Human Herds: The Philosophy of Dual Morality and a Theory of Moral Evolution

Loyalty is a 24-hour proposition, 24/7. It's not a part-time job.


"Interview: Jonathan Moyo bares it all", Nehanda Radio, February 8, 2016

It bothers me that loyalty is most easily built up around ideas which may be simply expressed, particularly if they can be reduced to slogans and to catchwords. As the process of government becomes necessarily more complex, reflecting the increasing complexity of social organization, there is a developing problem of stimulating loyalty to something not easily understood by those whose loyalty is essential.


"Some Thoughts on Loyalty", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Feb. 1953

Tags: Adlai Stevenson

There are no shortcuts or growth hacks or magic incense you can burn that will convert masses of people into raving evangelists for a brand. Even a great product or service isn't enough. Loyalty isn't like it used to be. We judge brands on different criteria than they did back in the day because we live in a different economy, and we're exposed to so much more information and competition for our dollars. There's a lot out there on which we can evaluate a brand, and our attention spans are fleeting. Our loyalty can be won in a heartbeat. It can also be lost just as quickly.


"The Secret Weapon in Customer Loyalty", Business 2 Community, February 3, 2016

Loyalty often drives corruption. Corporate scandals, political machinations, and sports cheating highlight how loyalty's pernicious nature manifests in collusion, conspiracy, cronyism, nepotism, and other forms of cheating. Yet loyalty is also touted as an ethical principle that guides behavior.


"Blind Loyalty?: How Group Loyalty Makes Us See Evil or Engage in It", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

True loyalty consists not in bowing the knee to earthly greatness, or in heroic deeds to "gild the kingly knave, or garnish out the fool," but in noble, generous acts of honest purpose, where truth, honor, and virtue, and a nation's welfare, are dearer than life.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from which changes of mind might naturally arise.


The Origins of Totalitarianism

Tags: Hannah Arendt

Loyalty to loyalty, that cause of causes upon which I have so much insisted ... is indeed just now in far too many ways a lost cause amongst men. But that is the fault of the men, not of the cause. Let us rejoice that we can serve a cause of which the world, as it is, is not yet worthy.


The Philosophy of Loyalty

Is loyalty still a commendable quality when it is misdirected?


Clockwork Princess

Tags: Cassandra Clare

Loyalty to loyalty is not a vague ideal. The spirit of loyalty is practical, is simple, is teachable, and is for all normal men. And in order to train loyalty to loyalty in a great mass of people, what is most of all needed is to help them to be less estranged than they are from their own social order.


The Philosophy of Loyalty

Loyalty is a good for the loyal man; but it may be mischievous for those whom his cause assails.


The Philosophy of Loyalty

If you're able to make that customer happy and build a relationship, loyalty is often right around the corner.


"Using Affiliate Programs to Improve Customer Loyalty", 1to1 Media, January 22, 2016

For a retailer, loyalty is a tool to lock in customers' dollars, time and preferences. It secures the value of that business, which is critical when businesses change hands. For people, that same loyalty is a heartfelt experience. It's a promise earned over time: If you treat me well, then I'll gladly give you my time, passion and generosity. It's a barter, yes, but one sealed with emotional currency.


"Opinion: A Question of Loyalty in a Digital Age", CSP Magazine, January 2016

If I am loyal, my cause must from moment to moment fascinate me, awaken my muscular vigor, stir me with some eagerness for work, even if this be painful work. I cannot be loyal to barren abstractions. I can only be loyal to what my life can interpret in bodily deeds.


The Philosophy of Loyalty

Loyalty was a great thing, but no lieutenants should be forced to choose between their leader and a circus with elephants.


Good Omens

Tags: Neil Gaiman

Loyalty is a fine quality, but in excess it fills political graveyards.


"The graveyard of excess political loyalty", Trib Live, January 30, 2016

Loyalty is still the same, whether it win or lose the game; true as a dial to the sun, although it be not shined upon.



Tags: Samuel Butler