quotations about patriotism

In uniform patriotism can salute one flag only, embrace but the first circle of life--one's own land and tribe. In war that is necessary, in peace it is not enough.


speech, September 21, 1986

Tags: Bill Moyers

Would the world be in the mess it is if we were loyal to love and not to countries?


Our Man in Havana

Tags: Graham Greene

If one's patriotism is merely instinctive it is irrational and irresponsible, and consequently a danger to one's country.


A Cyclopedia of Education

Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who have had the fortune of being born on some particular spot, consider themselves better, nobler, grander, more intelligent than the living beings inhabiting any other spot. It is, therefore, the duty of everyone living on that chosen spot to fight, kill, and die in the attempt to impose his superiority upon all the others.


Anarchism and Other Essays

Tags: Emma Goldman

So I wonder why patriotism is judged by words and not deeds? Why are slogans more important than solutions? Why is parroting one phrase more important than any other? I wonder why we are not asked to display our nationalism by being told to harvest rain water, use less plastic, and recycle so that we actually nurture our land, instead of just paying lip service and bandying a few words around.


"Why Is Patriotism Judged By Words And Not Deeds, Asks Twinkle Khanna In Her Latest Blog", Times of India, March 27, 2016

Only one thing seems certain: We will never, ever agree on the meaning of the word. Patriotism will continue to be refracted through the lens of ideology and upbringing. Republicans will emphasize American exceptionalism, Democrats inclusion, and Libertarians individual rights. And some, especially Millennials, may reject patriotism entirely while yielding to some other, as yet undefined tribal affiliation.


"Angels, Protesters and Patriots: What a Long-Ago Skirmish Says About Love of Country", California Magazine, March 29, 2016

This flagrant negation of humanity which constitutes the very essence of the State is, from the standpoint of the State, its supreme duty and its greatest virtue. It bears the name patriotism, and it constitutes the entire transcendent morality of the State.


Rousseau's Theory of the State

Tags: Mikhail Bakunin

A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the system works.


Forbes, vol. 146

I fancy, the proper means of increasing the love we bear our native country is to reside some time in a foreign one.


Essays on Men and Manners

No other factor in history, not even religion, has produced so many wars as has the clash of national egotisms sanctified by the name of patriotism.


The Age of the Reformation

My wariness of patriotism comes from the tribalism that creeps alongside it and the Us and Them divisions it inevitably creates. There's an undeniable appeal to tribal membership, of course. We all want to be part of the club, however we define it--Hells Angels, the GOP, punk rock.


"Angels, Protesters and Patriots: What a Long-Ago Skirmish Says About Love of Country", California Magazine, March 29, 2016

Today one might be tempted to say that patriotism is the last refuge of the tribal religion dedicated to the worship of German, French, English and Russian Gods of Battles. Surely such a religion has nothing in common with the religion which counsels for the disciple non-resistance, unstinted forgiveness, and the elimination of all rancor?


The Nation and the Ethics of War and Preparedness: An Address

Tags: Joseph Alexander Leighton

To be a good patriot, a man must consider his countrymen as God's creatures, and himself as accountable for his acting towards them.


attributed, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers

Patriotism is often an alibi to brigandage and enterprising criminality.


"The Problems with the Karadzic Verdict", Counter Punch, March 31, 2016

Patriotism is an attribute of the larger and nobler side of a human being's soul. Patriotism is an evidence of that wider and greater development in man's personality which is the product of civilization and the fruit of culture and refinement. The savage fights for himself; the semi-savage for his own family; the civilized, for his state, his nation, his tongue. This is true because with education and wealth come knowledge of personal worth and private possessions. Ownership, be it in a common cause or in a common place, makes men kindred. When a man enjoys a certain privilege along with others he becomes with them protectors of that privilege for its greatest enjoyment and longest possession.


The Coast, July 1908

Patriotism is being refashioned as a performance sport. It is not a feeling, it is an act, and it has to be performed in public view over and over again.


"JNU Student Denied Entry: Is Patriotism Being Refashioned As A Performance Sport?", Huffington Post, March 21, 2016

Patriotism is a passion which induces hot youth to rush forth to get shot and half shot, while sober, conservative age waves the flag and corrals the contracts.


Life Magazine, July 1900

Tags: Joseph Smith

Patriotism lives primarily in the realm of myth and symbol, changeable from Left to Right and from one era to another. JFK and George W. Bush, civil rights leaders and Tea Partiers--patriots all, depending on whom you ask.


"Angels, Protesters and Patriots: What a Long-Ago Skirmish Says About Love of Country", California Magazine, March 29, 2016

Patriotism is not restricted to leaders and eminent individuals. Every citizen of this country is a patriot if he works towards the accomplishment of goals, made by the founding fathers of this nation. He should remove social inequality and work hard to remove poverty and set this nation on a path of economic glory. A farmer is a patriot. A cobbler is a patriot if he works hard. A sweeper who does his duty, is a patriot. Therefore, patriotism has no rank and file.


Book of Composition

Patriotism is the first duty of every religion.


"Chanting 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' should be passion not fashion for Indians: Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi", The Indian Express, March 31, 2016