quotations about relationships

Relationships quote

Relationships are the most important aspect of our lives because it is through another that we come to know ourselves.


You're Already Hypnotized: A Guide to Waking Up

If you can't be happy and content by yourself then you shouldn't be in a relationship.


Solitude: How Doing Nothing Can Change the World

By building relations we create a source of love and personal pride and belonging that makes living in a chaotic world easier.


attributed, The Lost and Found Box

Tags: Susan Lieberman

Both in counseling couples and in workshops I've led around the country, I have taught people from all walks of life how to turn bad relationships into good ones, and good relationships into great ones. Because great is what you're really after. Great is what you deserve. Not merely a relationship you can live with, but one that is truly alive--passionately, tenderly, maddeningly filled to the brim with unexpected twists and turns, with comfort and solidity, with the sense of knowing and being known, and loving each other anyway. How do you get such a relationship? You don't get it, you build it, thoughtfully and skillfully, brick by brick.


The New Rules of Marriage: What You Need to Know to Make Love Work

Tags: Terrence Real

The best relationships are those that are established in prayer.


Life-changing Thoughts on Prayer

Can relationship be based on an idea? And, any action based on an idea surely must be merely the continuation of that idea, which is activity. Action is not based on an idea; action is immediate, spontaneous, direct, without the process of thought involved. But when we base an action on an idea, then it becomes an activity. And if we base our relationship on an idea, then surely such a relationship is merely an activity without comprehension, merely carrying out a formula, an activity, a pattern based on an idea. Therefore, relationship is always restricting, limiting, confining, because we want something out of that relationship.


J. Krishnamurti Second Talk in Ojai, July 17, 1949

Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation, a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods.


"Hic et Ille", The Dyer's Hand and Other Essays

Tags: W. H. Auden

I remember thinking how often we look, but never see ... we listen, but never hear ... we exist, but never feel. We take our relationships for granted. A house is only a place. It has no life of its own. It needs human voices, activity and laughter to come alive.


A Marriage Made In Heaven; or, Too Tired For an Affair

Tags: Erma Bombeck

The human heart finds nowhere shelter but in human kind.


The Spanish Gypsy

Tags: George Eliot

A happy marriage perhaps represents the ideal of human relationship--a setting in which each partner, while acknowledging the need of the other, feels free to be what he or she by nature is; a relationship in which instinct as well as intellect can find expression; in which giving and taking are equal; in which each accepts the other, and I confronts Thou.


The Integrity of Personality

Tags: Anthony Stork

Relationships are social structures in which people interact across organisational boundaries. People provide the channel through and by which the atmosphere of the relationship is shaped.


Strategic Market Relationships: From Strategy to Implementation

Good relationships make people happy, and happy people enjoy more and better relationships than unhappy people.... Conflicts in relationships--having an annoying office mate or roommate, or having chronic conflict with your spouse--is one of the surest ways to reduce your happiness. You never adapt to interpersonal conflict; it damages every day, even days when you don't see the other person but ruminate about the conflict nonetheless.


The Happiness Hypothesis

Tags: Jonathan Haidt

But the people who mattered were the people you chose instead of the people who were yours by an accident of birth. Real family was heart as much as, if not more than, blood.



Weddings are the biggest relationship killers out there. If you can survive the wedding, they say, the rest is a piece of cake.


Other People's Weddings

Tags: Noah Hawley

Relationships don't always make sense. Especially from the outside.


Along for the Ride

Tags: Sarah Dessen

To get from people you had to give a piece of yourself, a real piece that mattered. Just being nice was not enough.


End of Story

Tags: Peter Abrahams

The person that loves the least, controls the relationship.


Total Eclipse of the Heart

Tags: Zane

I think that many people falsely frame each relationship as one that needs to last forever. How limiting. Consider dating as life's dressing room, each relationship a new outfit to try on. An engineer will hold your angles, an artist will trace your curves, and a poet will entice your tongue. Each person will give you new perspectives and experiences to taste. If it were not for the men in my life I would never have learned how to climb rocks, shoot whisky, or speak sultry French. I decided to not fall out of love, but shift my love to a new person. Every, um, couple of months.


"The responsibility to fall out of love is on you", Quartz, August 5, 2016

In most breakups, neither person is awesome, and both are looking out the relationship window, sick with vertigo, ready to jump. Whoever jumps and pulls the ripcord first, wins. The prize is an intact ego.


"The responsibility to fall out of love is on you", Quartz, August 5, 2016

We often err by contemplating an individual solely in his relation and behaviour to us, and generalizing from that with more rapidity than wisdom. We might as well argue that the moon has no rotation about her axis, because the same hemisphere is always presented to our view.


Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd

Tags: Arthur Helps