quotations about robots

Robots quote

At bottom, robotics is about us. It is the discipline of emulating our lives, of wondering how we work.


Discover Magazine, June 2008

Tags: Rod Grupen

Random codex
Oral replay
Formal program
Instant relay
Soft projector
Random access
Syntax morphing
She robot
She robot


"She Robot"

Researchers just unveiled a robot that can play Scrabble. It's pretty realistic. It even gets bored halfway through and stops playing.


The Tonight Show, March 12, 2018

Tags: Jimmy Fallon

You are
Just a robot
Executing a program
An imitation of a man
Executing a program
An imitation of a man
An imitation of a man
An imitation of a man



A strange thing happens when you interview a robot. You feel an urge to be profound: to ask profound questions. I suppose it's an inter-species thing. Although if it is I wonder why I never try and be profound around my dog.

"What does electricity taste like?" I ask.

"Like a planet around a star," Bina48 replies.

Which is either extraordinary or meaningless -- I'm not sure which.


Lost at Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries

If autonomous robots are going to hang with us, we're going to have to teach them how to behave--which means finding a way to make them aware of the values that are most important to us.


"How to Build a Moral Robot", Spectrum, May 31, 2016

You just can't differentiate between a robot and the very best of humans.


I, Robot

Tags: Isaac Asimov

The robots of the cartoons and movies from the 1970s are going to be the reality of the 2020s.


"The Robots of the 2020s Will Be More Like Terminator than C-3PO", Big Think, February 21, 2016

Sex robots will create another means through which women will be presented as objects to be used for sexual gratification and mistreatment.... They will also desensitise humans to intimacy and empathy, which can only be developed through experiencing human interaction and mutual consenting relationships.... In order to protect basic human rights and discourage the brutal objectification of humankind ... we must address the ways in which advancing technology should be used as a force for good and could reflect what is best for humankind. We cannot let our humanity and our dignity slip away into a world of technology.


"Sex robots are SEXIST: Feminist says 'brutal' love machines will turn men into misogynist monsters", Mirror, February 15, 2016

Let's face it--having a swarm of independent 3D printing robots building you an inexpensive work of art to live in is going to get boring after a while. How about flying quadcopter bots?


"Soonish", Popular Science, October 27, 2017

Nature (the art whereby God hath made and governs the world) is by the art of man, as in many other things, so in this also imitated, that it can make an Artificial Animal. For seeing life is but a motion of Limbs, the beginning whereof is in some principal part within; why may we not say, that all Automata (Engines that move themselves by springs and wheels as doth a watch) have an artificial life? For what is the Heart, but a Spring; and the Nerves, but so many Strings; and the Joints, but so many Wheels, giving motion to the whole Body, such as was intended by the Artificer? Art goes yet further, imitating that rational and most excellent work of Nature, Man.



Tags: Thomas Hobbes

I, robot
Don't have the capacity
To dream about tomorrow
But I never spell a word wrong


"Mr. Robot", Selected Poems

I am a robot, living like a robot, talk like a robot, in the habititting way
In the future we all die (robot), machines will last forever (robot)
Metal things just turn to rust, when you're a robot



You shouldn't fear immigrants taking your job, you should fear robots.


"Robots are coming to take your jobs away", IT Pro Portal, February 17, 2016

I asked how many guys would have sex with a robot if it was indistinguishable from a hot human woman. About 95 percent of the hetero guys said they would. The other 5 percent expressed a strong preference for lying.


Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain!

Tags: Scott Adams

You take the best and brightest 200 human beings on the planet, you scan their brains and you get robots that to all intents and purposes are indivisible from the humans on which they are based, except a thousand times faster and better.


attributed, "If robots are the future of work, where do humans fit in?", The Guardian, May 24, 2016

But before a robot can someday run for president, they're going to have to solve their image problem. The closer that artificial life gets to actual life, the more it disturbs us.


"They Took Our Jobs: The Amazing (And Potentially Terrifying) Advance of Robots", Breitbart, February 14, 2016

In addition to doing our jobs at least as well as we do them, intelligent robots will be cheaper, faster, and far more reliable than humans. And they can work 168 hours a week, not just 40. No capitalist in her right mind would continue to employ humans.


"You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot--and Sooner Than You Think", Mother Jones, November/December 2017

We are approaching a time when machines will be able to outperform humans at almost any task. I believe that society needs to confront this question before it is upon us: if machines are capable of doing almost any work humans can do, what will humans do?


"If robots are capable of doing almost any human work, what's left for us?", BT, February 15, 2016

The robots of our youths and of our imaginations don't have to have millions of dollars of incredibly sophisticated hardware and software in them. They can be relatively lightweight dumb devices so long as they're connected to the power of the cloud.


"The Robots of the 2020s Will Be More Like Terminator than C-3PO", Big Think, February 21, 2016