quotations about teenagers

Kids have no sense of space and time. Don't get me started on babies. Kids are irrational, illogical, and ill-tempered if they haven't had a nap. (So am I.) Teenagers, while subject to mood swings and temperamental phases, can be reasoned with. Their brains are developing and grasp simple concepts like "Clean your room if you want to play video games."


"14 Reasons Not To Dread The Teenage Years", Scary Mommy, August 26, 2016

Teenagers, while they try to put on a cool facade and act like a small-scale adult, still enjoy cartoons, Lucky Charms, and building forts.


"14 Reasons Not To Dread The Teenage Years", Scary Mommy, August 26, 2016

Teenagers are already self-conscious and vulnerable to what others say. They may start comparing their lives to those of people on social media. They may misconstrue comments people make on social media as directed at them when they are not. The social cues such as tone or facial expressions are not visible like they are in a live interaction, making it easier for teens to misinterpret what someone says.


"Social media and the mental health of your teen", Circleville Herald, June 13, 2017

How embarrassing that she ever did something that silly. But, good God, she was seventeen. At that age, we're mostly high-pitched and crazy. All urgent chemicals raging around the blood course. And that's why we do dangerous and embarrassing things, as if simultaneously we're immortal and going to die tomorrow. And that's why we look back on that time so fondly from the dimmer years to come. Remembering the days when we were like Greek gods. Mighty and idiotic.



The vulnerability of a teen to emotional and psychiatric issues cannot be overemphasized. The teenage years are a developmental stage whose byproducts are a hypersensitivity to stress, an inability to exercise self-analysis or insight, and membership in a peer group equally unable to interpret warning signs or to offer adequate empathy.


The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults

As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambitions too.


attributed, The Ultimate Book of Quotations

Insecurity, thy name is teenager.


Proven Guilty

Teenagers get to stumble through it, same as we did. We can fight it, or I say let's wrap ourselves up in their madness because this is what we signed up for when we had those cute googly babies. Getting them over the hump from kid to adult is what parenting is really about.


"The Beautiful Maddening Contradiction of Teenagers", Huffington Post, January 31, 2017

These kids and teenagers are so intrigued and interested in their image, their fitness, their beauty. It's all tied into one thing: The package they want to brand themselves and who they want to be.


"Athletes are turning obscure skills into big-money endorsements, thanks to social media", CNBC, June 11, 2017

Little kids are finicky eaters (even if they do stick everything besides food in their mouths), so parents are often left with the decision to either dirty another container to store leftovers or throw them out. We don't want to be wasteful, so we usually eat it. Enter the teenager whose metabolism knows no bounds. Slide the toddler's macaroni and cheese across the table and -- poof! -- it's gone.


"14 Reasons Not To Dread The Teenage Years", Scary Mommy, August 26, 2016

Teenagers are often unpredictable in how they will respond in a given situation. As adults, we assume that if a fellow employee responded positively last month to my pat on the back, he will have a similar response this month. While this is usually true with adults, it is not true with teenagers. The teenager's response is greatly influenced by his moods, and these moods are fluctuating, often several times within a day. The loving expression he accepted after breakfast may be rejected after dinner.


The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers