quotations about toys

The toys are back, life is back, we are free.


"Dolls, teddy bears return to eastern Mosul after Islamic State ouster", Daily News & Analysis, April 24, 2017

Toys are important parts of our past and can be an enjoyable means of training young children for life in society. The act of children's play with toys embodies the values set forth by the adults of their community seen through a child's perspective. Playing with toys can also help a child grow up and learn about the world around them. Younger children use toys to discover their identity, help their bodies grow strong, learn cause and effect, explore relationships, and practice skills they will need as adults.


"New exhibit features old toys", The News Guard, May 4, 2017

With all of the new toys available, old favorites are sometimes forgotten. But basic toys are important because they lose neither style nor value. The child needs quiet time to dig and play in dirt, sand, or water. A pail enables the child to carry this important stuff from place to place. The shovel gives him the tool to load or unload cargo.


Smart Play Smart Toys: How to Raise a Child with a High Pq

Way up at the North Pole just beyond the Milky Way,
All of Santa's Elves, they've been workin' night and day.
Makin' lots of presents that will fill your heart with glee.
But they're runnin' out of time because tonight is Christmas Eve.
He's got a big surprise for all you girls and boys...
He's got it right there ... in his sleigh full of toys.


"Sleigh Full of Toys"

The best toys are often the simplest ones -- like blocks -- because they allow children to be creative and spontaneous.


"8 Kids Toys That Are a Waste of Your Money", Cheat Sheet, July 12, 2016

The best toys are 90 per cent kid, 10 per cent toy, with play fueled largely by the child's imagination.


"Are smart toys spying on kids and stealing their imagination?", New Scientist, October 4, 2016

As a parent, you're inundated with pleas from kids and pitches from advertisers trying to convince you to buy the latest hot toys. But as anyone who's endured a meltdown over a toy that doesn't perform as expected or torn their hair out trying to put together an impossible-to-assemble play set, you know that not all kids toys are worth the money you pay for them.


"8 Kids Toys That Are a Waste of Your Money", Cheat Sheet, July 12, 2016

I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw that my bath toys were a toaster and a radio.


attributed, Wise Women: Wit and Wisdom from Some of the World's Most Extraordinary Women

Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which it was already but too easy to arrive at; as railroads lead to Boston or New York.


Walden: Or, Life in the Woods

Tags: Henry David Thoreau

Will toys amuse, when med'cines cannot cure?
When spirits ebb, when life's enchanting scenes
Their lustre lose, and lessen in our sight,
As lands and cities, with their glittering spires,
To the poor shatter'd bark by sudden storm
Thrown off to sea, and soon to perish there?
Will toys amuse? No: thrones will then be toys,
And earth and skies seem dust upon the scale.


Night Thoughts

Tags: Edward Young

Some parents say it is toy guns that make boys warlike. But give a boy a rubber duck and he will seize its neck like the butt of a pistol and shout 'Bang!'


Newsweek, December 11, 1978

Tags: George F. Will

Toys are merely ideas brought to life.


"Stay Tuned: Reality competition goes to the kids on 'The Toy Box'", Wicked Local, April 25, 2017

People used to play with toys.
Now the toys play with them.



We must not forget that the most enduring modifications in toys are never the work of adults, whether they be educators, manufacturers or writers, but are the result of children at play.


"Old Toys", Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings: Part 1 1927-1930

Tags: Walter Benjamin

What is a toy? What is its limitation? Is there any? Toys are usually looked upon in a limited sense, and we say a talking doll, a mechanical monkey, a creeping alligator, a miniature steam engine with its train of cars ... are toys, but that the millionaire's yacht, the sportsman's rifle, the turfman's trotter, the professor's telescope and the money objects of a similar nature are not toys. Is not that a narrow point of view? If toys are a means to an end, if their object is to amuse, to entertain, to pass the time, to develop and to instruct or educate, are not the latter toys as much as the former?


The American Stationer, December 13, 1894

Kid's toys are not only getting more expensive, they're also getting more sophisticated. Decades ago, a popular doll or stuffed animal might repeat a half-dozen recorded phrases when you pulled a string. Today, that's considered quaint. Now, toys like Hello Barbie and CogniToys Dino are connected to the internet, and can joke around with children, actually responding to their questions. The kids' voices are also recorded and stored in the cloud for future reference, helping the toys "learn." While there is a certain "cool factor" to all of this, a lot of parents have growing privacy concerns, while children are largely clueless.


"Toys that listen: cool or creepy?", Consumer Affairs, May 12, 2017

The best toys are indeed gender neutral wooden blocks, animals, people and vehicles. Leave the rest up to the kids, who can do amazing things with just a few supplies.


"Are Gender Neutral Toys Really Better for Kids?", Parenting, November 2, 2015

Everything man sees he takes for a toy. Thus is he always, forever a boy.


The Miniaturist

Toys. They're everywhere these days. Although their natural habitat is a well-organized chest in your child's room, they frequently migrate to places like the living room, kitchen table, the car, your bed, and of course, directly under your feet in a dark hallway in the middle of the night.


"Anatomy of the Perfect Toy", PBS Parents, May 25, 2016

The best education in the world for a youngster is the right sort of toys. The boy or girl who has toys which are strictly up-to-date, will be an up-to-date person. The child that is forced to play with antiquated toys will be quite apt to be an antiquated youth and man.


"Toys and Novelties", Toys, May 1921