quotations about the color yellow

For a color that makes many of us feel cheery and warm, yellow has some surprisingly dark meanings in other cultures. Take France, for example, where yellow signifies jealously, betrayal, weakness, and contradiction. In the 10th century, the French painted the doors of traitors and criminals yellow.


"What Colors Mean in Other Cultures", Huffington Post, January 26, 2016

Yellow is the color of intellect. When it's dull, it indicates intellect, but of a mundane nature. When it becomes brighter, moving into gold, there is an elevation of the intellect and it becomes purified through spirit. Muddy or dirty yellow indicates cunning, greed, and a self-centered, egotistical character.


The Art of Spiritual Healing (new Edition): Chakra and Energy Bodywork

As the vitiated state of gold, yellow is not just a drier and flatter condition of golden light; it also represents lustre thickened to a grotesquely parodic skin. The illumination provided in medieval books of hours was often supplied by actual gold, beaten into sublime thinness. Yellow is the quick light of the subtle, leastmost skin grown sick and slow, and loitering coarsely like a scurf or scum on the surface of things.


The Book of Skin

Yellow is also an amazing attention-getter, which is why you can see McDonald's signs from so far away. Not to mention, it stands out more than any other color during daylight hours.


"There Is a Reason Why Red and Yellow Are Used for Fast-Food Restaurant Signs", Independent Journal Review

Once you've found your yellow, working out what to wear it with is the next challenge ... clash against leopard print, channel a bumble bee in yellow and black, or add some white to that yolk. Ready? Here comes the sun ...


"Why Yellow Is The Hue Of The Season", Lifestyle, February 15, 2017

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,
The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes,
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,
And seeing that it was a soft October night,
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.


"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", The Complete Poems and Plays of T. S. Eliot

Tags: T. S. Eliot

The road to the City of Emeralds is paved with yellow brick.


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Tags: L. Frank Baum

Yellow is also the colour of Van Gogh's sunflowers, or at least it was when he painted them, before more than a century of exposure to bright sunlight made the pigment (a toxic paint no longer used, called chrome-yellow) gradually fade and discolour to a dirty brown.


"Yellow shouts spring in the garden", The Irish Times, March 11, 2017

Yellow is the national color of China (bet you thought red was). Yellow was the color of the emperor's robes and is still associated with high rank and power. Palace roofs are often yellow. Charms to ward off evil spirits are printed on yellow paper and hung from trees and porch posts. And the Chinese say that when you see a yellow sky, prosperity is on its way.


Donna Stellhorn

Because yellow is made up of shorter wavelengths that penetrate the water more easily, a yellow object will retain its original color to a much greater depth than a red one. Consequently, a yellow plug would still look yellow considerably below 20 feet, but the color would not be nearly as bright as it is at the surface.


Through the Fish's Eye: An Angler's Guide to Gamefish Behavior, Gift Edition