quotations about Yin & Yang

Yin/Yang quote

My yin is soft and yielding
Your yang, so hard with might
One seeing a world to contest
The other, but a place to rest.


From Here to There: A Poetic Journal from Early Maine Mornings

Just as the copulation of the sky (yang) and earth (yin) energies gave birth to humanity and the myriad things of the world, the union of the yin and yang, female and male, is the basis of creating and renewing the energy of life in the body.


Harmonizing Yin and Yang: A manual of Taoist Yoga: internal, external, and sexual

There's eternal opposition between yin and yang. No third party at all, but treason occurs sometimes.


My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Yin and yang are dynamic and inter-related; however when yin and yang are given gendered qualities, this can imply that yin and yang perform fixed, specific roles. This binary perspective contrasts with the key original aspects of yin and yang -- infinite change, and co-existence and complementaries in spite of differences.


Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Human Dimension

Man hovers
Light & Darkness
Woman between
Darkness & Light
When the twain meet
Time stood still
in suspended
And stars gasp
in silence


"Yin Yang", The New Millennium Poems

The yin & the yang are opposite forces. Yet, they exist together in the harmony of a perfect orb.


Wise Quotes of Wisdom

Will you, won't you be my evil twin, my wolfwhistle, my existential dilemma, though we're two left shoes, my yin too yang, your yang so turbocharged we have zero chance of happiness, let's try anyway, whatta ya say?


The Alphabet of Desire

Every society in the history of the world has seen that yin and yang--the masculine and the feminine--are not limited to humans or even just to animals. Every language that I know of, except English, has masculine and feminine nouns. The sun is always he; the moon is always she. The day is always he; the night is always she. The water is she; the rocks are he. Most of us today think that's projection of our own sexuality into the universe. That makes us strangers to the universe. The shore is the most popular place on earth. Waterfront property is the most expensive property anywhere in the world. Why? Because that's where the sea and the land meet. That's where man and woman meet. The land without the sea is kind of boring. Desert. The sea without the land is kind of boring. "When are we going to land the ship?" But the place where they meet--that's where all the action is.


attributed, "We are witnessing the death of unconditional love, and the result is catastrophic", LifeSite, March 15, 2017

Every whole "thing"--from a tree to a person to a business, an atom, planet, or universe--can be seen as a metaphorical Tai-Chi, with corresponding Yin and Yang aspects. Once Yin and Yang are distinguished, each one can also be seen as a whole and broken down further into its own integral Yin and Yang parts. We can see this creative process unfold all around us. The universal process of Being arising from Non-Being through the fusion of opposites, followed by the differentiation and increase of complexity from oneness to myriad forms, can be observed in the studies of modern cosmology, the evolution of species, the conception and development of individuals, and the arising of ideas.


Yin-Yang in Tai-Chi Chuan and Daily Life

Yin and Yang are one vital force -- the primordial aura.


The Philosophy of Wang Yang-Ming

Yin is stronger and more abundant than Yang, but Yang is more obvious and active. There is more water on earth than fire, for example, but fire phenomena such as lightning are more exciting and attract more attention. Still, ever since the term Yin/Yang first appeared in China, the word "Yin" has always preceded the word "Yang", and in Chinese this indicates a position of Yin superiority that long antedates the advent of patriarchy in Chinese society.


The Tao Of Health, Sex And Longevity

The circle that represents the whole is divided into Yin (black) and Yang (white) halves--two polar complements in harmonious balance. The two smaller circles in the centers (the eyes), shaded in the opposite color, illustrate that within Yin there is Yang, and vice versa. Yin and Yang contain within themselves, at their very centers, the seeds of change. The curve dividing them indicates that this change is dynamic and continuous. Each half invades the other half and establishes itself in the center of its opposite.


Yin-Yang in Tai-Chi Chuan and Daily Life

When we practice sacred sexuality we are working with cosmologically rooted principles, balancing the heavenly yang (male energy) of the universe with the all-knowing, life-giving yin (feminine energy) of the earth within ourselves.


Eros Ascending: The Life-Transforming Power of Sacred Sexuality

Tags: sex

For you are more than just a thought. You are my everything. You are my Yin as I am your Yang. Together we make the world go round.


Old Memories, New Beginnings

It is yin and yang. Light is the left hand of darkness ... how did it go? Light, dark. Fear, courage. Cold, warmth. Female, male. It is yourself ... both and one. A shadow on snow.


The Left Hand of Darkness

Tags: Ursula K. Le Guin

Yin and Yang in themselves are of course opposites, so we use Yin and Yang to generalise opposing elements such as up and down, left and right, day and night, water and fire, male and female, inside and outside. But Yin and Yang do not exist in separated and independent forms. Yin and Yang are two faces of a whole, or, it may be said, Yin and Yang join together and combine into a whole.


Bagua Daoyin: A Unique Branch of Daoist Learning, A Secret Skill of the Palace

Our bodies pressed together, our breaths synchronising, we plunged into a void, suspended in time. It was then I knew where I had seen your face before, heard your voice before. It was then that I knew for certain we had shared at least a previous lifetime together. And nothing could have prevented what happened between us that night in Beijing. Nothing in this life, nor in our previous lives. And it was as if it was all linked: the destruction of so many lives on that night and the union of your yang energy and my yin. It was as if so many senseless deaths must be atoned by the energy of love created by someone, somewhere, somehow.


Yin Yang of Loving

The waxing and waning movement of yin-yang is absolute and endless. When waxing and waning of yin-yang can be kept within a certain range, degree, and period, it will not be recognized and things will be in a relatively stable state.


Traditional Chinese Medicine: Theory and Principles

The motion of yin and yang generates all things in nature.


A General Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yang is known to be more will-oriented, and dynamic in nature. It is eternal motion and cosmic action. Yin on the other hand is receptive, supportive and magnetic. It is eternally stabilizing and of cosmic potentiality. Both Yin and Yang possess the needed qualities for creation and evolution. In terms of natural law, no sex is above the other. Whenever one is generally overemphasized, the natural harmony is thrown out of balance. This is still the case today in the Western male (Yang) dominance of society. This excess of Yang on a global level, is a cause of much of the world's problems today. The same would be true of an excess of Yin energy. Both of these forces and their associated qualities must stay in perpetual balance.


The Complete Poems of Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali