Austrian novelist, playwright & journalist (1881-1942)

Those whom fate has dealt hard knocks remain vulnerable for ever afterwards.


Beware of Pity

Tags: fate

The sight of a wedding always has a disturbing effect on young girls; at such moments a mysterious sense of solidarity with their own sex takes possession of them.


Beware of Pity

Tags: weddings

For the more a man limits himself, the nearer he is on the other hand to what is limitless.


Chess Story

Something indefinite is always worse than something definite, a strong fear that doesn't last very long is easier than one that's nebulous but doesn't go away.


The Post Office Girl

Tags: fear

One only makes books in order to keep in touch with one's fellows after one has ceased to breathe, and thus to defend oneself against the inexorable fate of all that lives--transitoriness and oblivion.


Selected Stories

Tags: books

Confidences are always risky: a secret entrusted to a stranger make him less of one. You've given away something of yourself, given him the advantage.


The Post Office Girl

Tags: secrets

Balzac was himself one of those monomaniacs he delighted to portray! Discouraged by an unresponsive world which did not appreciate his first efforts in the field of literature, he withdrew into himself and created a symbolic world. This world was to belong to him, to be governed by him, to cease when he himself ceased. Reality rushed past him, and he never stirred a finger to arrest its flight and grasp it. He locked himself into his room, sat glued to his chair before his writing table, lived among the characters he created, like Elie Magus, the collector, among his pictures. From the time he was twenty-five, reality interested him merely in so far as it provided fuel to set the wheels of his own world in motion.


Balzac, Dickens, Dostoevsky: Master Builders of the Spirit

Tags: Honore de Balzac

Memory is so corrupt that you remember only what you want to; if you want to forget about something, slowly but surely you do.


The Post Office Girl

Tags: money

Brothers, if we believe that we shall arise, already we have arisen. What should we be without faith? Not to us, as to other nations, has a country been given to which we may cling; a home, where we may tarry; rest, that our hearts may wax fat! Not for peace have we been the chosen among the nations. Wandering is our habitation, trouble our heritage, God our home.


Jeremiah: a drama in nine scenes

Nothing is quite as splendidly uplifting to the heart as the defeat of a human being who battles against the invincible superiority of fate. This is always the most grandiose of all tragedies, one sometimes created by a dramatist but created thousands of times by life.


Stellar Moments in Human History

Tags: fate

He who is himself crossed in love is able from time to time to master his passion, for he is not the creature but the creator of his own misery; and if a lover is unable to control his passion, he at least knows that he is himself to blame for his sufferings. But he who is loved without reciprocating that love is lost beyond redemption, for it is not in his power to set a limit to that other's passion, to keep it within bounds, and the strongest will is reduced to impotence in the face of another's desire.


Beware of Pity

The works of the great artists are silent books of eternal truths.


prelude, Paul Verlaine

Tags: art

Dostoevsky was the first to reveal to us this teeming multiplicity of emotions, this complexity of our spiritual universe.


Balzac, Dickens, Dostoevsky: Master Builders of the Spirit

Tags: Fyodor Dostoevsky