quotations about surrealism

Surrealism quote

That's what dreams are really like, you know? They're not full of melting clocks or floating roses or people made out of rocks. Most of the time, dreams look just like the normal world. It's your feelings that tell you something's off. Not your mind, not your intellect, not something as obvious as that. The only part of you that really knows what's going on is the part of you that's most a mystery. If that's not Surrealism, I don't know what is.



Surrealism ... wills itself to be a philosophy, but a "philosophy of life," a way of living and thinking, a madness of living and thinking which, refusing the world as it is--since the "real" is often only habit--proposes both to "transform the world" (Marx) and to "change life" (Rimbaud), in a political and poetical rebellion.



Tags: Jaqueline Chénieux-Gendron

It seems to me that it is a very simple error which the surrealists are guilty of; they are trying to establish an Absolute. They are trying with all the powers of consciousness to usher in the glory of the Unconscious. They believe in the Devil but not in God. They worship the night but refuse to worship the day. They talk of magic but they practice voodooism. They await the miracle, but they do nothing to assist it, to bring about an accouchement. They talk of ushering in a general confusion but they live like the bourgeoisie. A few of them have committed suicide, but none of them has yet assassinated a tyrant. The believe in the revolution but there is no real revolt in them.


The Cosmological Eye

Tags: Henry Miller

Surrealism is ersatz thought for idiots; the gaudy vestibule of a house that isn't there.


"In 1991 we marvelled at the oddity. Now we just check our phones", The Times, May 27, 2017

Surrealism almost always uses contrasting color tones to bring out the literary contrast between the clashing ideas of reality and hallucination. The narrative is interspersed with dream-like sequences that revel in Surrealism in all its glory.


"Why The Surrealism In 'American Gods' Is Unlike Anything You've Ever Seen", Movie Pilot, June 19, 2017

Art that revels in the muck of the unconscious, as surrealism tries to do, should risk at least a few of us saying, "F*** this."


"David Lynch's Heartbreaking Gift to Laura Palmer", The Ringer, May 17, 2017

Surrealism is a tangled web of contradictions. This is, paradoxically, both its raison d'être and the limitation that it strives perpetually to overcome. It is also, I would argue, the condition that has granted it a long afterlife beyond the borders of World War II-era France.


Surrealism in Latin American Literature: Searching for Breton's Ghost

I've always been fascinated by how surrealism can give extraordinary meaning to ordinary things.


"A Surreal Thread Connecting 'Dreamers and Realists'", San Antonio Current, August 3, 2016

The more I look at most of the art movements, it's all occultism, when you get down to it. The Surrealists were openly talking about being magicians.


Alan Moore: Conversations

Surrealism, which fizzled as an autonomous doctrine, as a specific method, does not exist. But it remains an historical fact, a fire that illuminates the intellectual landscape of the horizon.


Histoire de ne pas rire

I find out a lot about myself by sleeping. Dreams, they are who I am when I'm too tired to be me.


This Book is Not For Sale

There is no sharp line drawn between the paintings and sculptures and the wider worlds of design that Surrealism touched: the crazy furniture, the exhibition catalogues and posters, the sketchbooks and letters. Surrealism was never confined to the exhibition hall.


"A spine-shivering look at how Surrealism changed the world", The Telegraph, June 6, 2016

Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.


Declaration, 1929

Language, which has always been a medium relatively unsuited to the description of complex visual shapes and patterns, is at a particular disadvantage when it comes to conveying the shockingly unusual images of Surrealism.


"Political Surrealism, Surreal Politics", Los Angeles Review of Books, December 26, 2016

Surrealism, then, neither aims to subvert realism, as does the fantastic, nor does it try to transcend it. It looks for different means by which to explore reality itself.


Dedalus Book of Surrealism 2: The Myth of the World

Surrealist Tip # 7: Sleep through numbers 1-6. Write down your dreams while you sleep, sleep as fast as you can, but try not to get a ticket--and don't let the honking of other drivers wake you up.


This Book is Not For Sale

The surrealists are mystics who ignore deities in their quest of surreality. Quest of what? Stated Breton in his manifesto: "I don't know, but quest however."


The Black Surrealists

The great task of this century is that of revising the old scales of value in every field, of destroying worn-out customs and institutions and of constructing a form of society in which men may be able to make full use of all their faculties. Few poets ... have set about this task with so great a thoroughness as the surrealists. Already they have succeeded in widening and deepening the total of human experience.


A Short Survey of Surrealism

Surrealism negates everything implied by the divisions and prohibitions on which the majority cultural structure is founded: negating ready-made "orders," denying the pertinence of codes (social, but also stylistic, linguistic, and even logical). Surrealists therefore suspect everything that organizes the sense of things, the direction of things, in space and time, especially any kind of taxonomy and any presentation of evidence that has signification for us.



Surrealist art is very far removed from the abstract or from so-called pure art, which on the contrary dematerializes the object into an idea. It also becomes quite evident that the artist has wandered far from symbolism and impressionism. The generalized role that the symbol bestows on the concrete is the exact reverse of the character of the surrealist art object which is a study in the particular delivering the object from its general role to bestow on it a specialized new one.


Surrealism: The Road to the Absolute

Tags: Anna Balakian