quotations about surrealism

Surrealism quote

Those who might dispute our right to employ the term SURREALISM in the very special sense that we understand it are being extremely dishonest, for there can be no doubt that this word had no currency before we came along. Therefore, I am defining it once and for all: SURREALISM, Psychic automatism in its pure state, by which one proposes to express -- verbally, by means of the written word, or in any other manner -- the actual functioning of thought. Dictated by the thought, in the absence of any control exercised by reason, exempt from any aesthetic or moral concern.


First Surrealist Manifesto, 1924

Surrealism is not a school of poetry but a movement of liberation ... a way of rediscovering the language of innocence, a renewal of the primordial pact, poetry is the basic text, the foundation of the human order. Surrealism is revolutionary because it is a return to the beginning of all beginnings.


Alternating Current

Tags: Octavio Paz

For its adherents, Surrealism was a way of life, a kind of existence that left room for playfulness and creativity. It was about living for the moment, with spontaneity and internal intellectual freedom and a lack of materialism, all of which were completely opposed to the values of the bourgeoisie.



Tags: Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy

Within popular conceptions, surrealism is misunderstood in many different ways, some of which contradict others, but all of these misunderstandings are founded in the fact that they seek to reduce surrealism to a style or a thing in itself rather than being prepared to see it as an activity with broadening horizons.


Surrealism and Cinema

I'm wary of surrealist nightmares that try to have mass appeal. They can't: the form is premised on frustrating our conscious interpretations, forcing us to make up our own minds not only as to whether that uncertainty is worthwhile or pleasurable, but also if those are even fair demands.


"David Lynch's Heartbreaking Gift to Laura Palmer", The Ringer, May 17, 2017

I believe in the future resolution of these two states, dream and reality, which are seemingly so contradictory, into a kind of absolute reality, a surreality, if one may so speak.


Manifestoes of Surrealism

The term "surrealism" is used now so often to refer to anything out of the norm that we might underestimate just how shocking the philosophy was in its early stages. The movement followed in the path of Dada, which was a response to the horror and destruction of World War I.


"Above and beyond realism", Palo Alto Online, January 26, 2017

Surrealism! What is Surrealism? In my opinion, it is above all a reawakening of the poetic idea in art, the reintroduction of the subject but in a very particular sense, that of the strange and illogical.


lecture, 1966

Tags: Paul Delvaux

One can understand why Surrealism was not afraid to make for itself a tenet of total revolt, complete insubordination, of sabotage according to rule, and why it still expects nothing save from violence. The simplest Surrealist act consists of dashing down the street, pistol in hand, and firing blindly, as fast as you can pull the trigger, into the crowd.


Second Manifesto of Surrealism

Tags: André Breton

At this point it must be repeated that surrealism is a vanguard, I might say the most aggressive vanguard. It is, taken as a whole, a declaration of our innermost rights, those pertinent to the depths described by that perhaps intangible phrasal symbol "unconscious," and it is a reality that lies beyond the coordinates of directed thought, a s u r r e a l i t y.


Surrealism in Greece: An Anthology

Surrealism in painting amounted to little more than the contents of a meagerly stocked dream world: a few witty fantasies, mostly wet dreams and agoraphobic nightmares.


On Photography

Tags: Susan Sontag

To be a surrealist ... means barring from your mind all remembrance of what you have seen, and being always on the lookout for what has never been.


Time, April 21, 1947

If there is still one hellish, truly accursed thing in our time, it is our artistic dallying with forms, instead of being like victims burnt at the stake, signaling through the flames.


The Theater and Its Double

Tags: Antonin Artaud

The real importance of automatism lay in the fact that it led to a different relation between the artist and the creative act. Where the artist had traditionally been seen as someone who invents a personal world, bringing into being something unique to his own 'genius', the surrealists conceived themselves as explorers and researchers rather than 'artist' in the traditional sense and it was discovery rather than invention that became crucial for them.


Dedalus Book of Surrealism 2: The Myth of the World

The vice named surrealism is the immoderate and impassioned use of the stupefacient image or rather of the uncontrolled provocation of the image for its own sake and for the element of unpredictable perturbation and of metamorphosis which it introduces into the domain of representation; for each image on each occasion forces you to revise the entire Universe.


Paris Peasant

Tags: Louis Aragon

Equally, the surrealists consider words as witnesses of life acting in a direct way in human affairs. To use words properly it was necessary to treat them with respect, for they were the intermediaries between oneself and the rest of creation. To abuse them was immediately to set oneself adrift from true being.


Dedalus Book of Surrealism 2: The Myth of the World

Surrealism is easy; if you've seen an elephant and a giraffe, you can picture an elephant with the legs of a giraffe. The challenge is painting a convincing elephant.


"The New 'Twin Peaks' Reflects America The Way It Is Now", BuzzFeed News, June 4, 2017

Among those who do not comprehend surrealism are people who look upon the real as verifiable, as something to be checked against past experience or observation. These individuals fail to see that for the surrealist the dimensions of the real cannot be gauged by reference to the familiar. So far as the real appears to have limits, they are foisted upon it by the mental, emotional, and imaginative limitations of spectators accustomed to measure the possible by the already known. For this reason, surrealism and many of its contemporary opponents remained inevitably at loggerheads. The one group insisted on estimating the scope of reality by its possibilities. The other condemned the real to be repetitive of what the past had shown them.


The Surrealist Mind

Surrealism is merely the reflection of the death process. It is one of the manifestations of a life becoming extinct, a virus which quickens the inevitable end.


The Cosmological Eye

Tags: Henry Miller

It's hard to say exactly what is and isn't surrealistic, because it's not a style.


"Dali exhibition explores the life and work of Frida Kahlo", Bradenton Herald, December 16, 2016