quotations about vacations

Vacation quote

I'm on vacation tonight
I'm gonna leave you behind
I'm on vacation tonight
I'm gonna lose my mind
With someone new



I'm going to have a vacation!
I'll leave all my housework behind,
And not have to do any cooking;
I'll forget all the daily grind!
I'll bask in the sunshine--don't worry!--
And so all the things that are right;
I'll enjoy myself every minute,
And I'll go to a dance each night!
But when my vacation is over
And I pack my glad rags, alone,
I'll be happy--so very happy!--
For, really, there's no place like home!


"My Vacation"

Vacations are the coupons on the bonds of industry.


The Texas Magazine, July 1911

No matter what happens, travel gives you a story to tell.


The alternative to a vacation is to stay home and tip every third person you see.


Vacation-related studies show that 32% of Americans missed their "normal routines" while on vacation. We miss our home cooking (25%) and our own beds (22%). But we are also more prone to be naughty while vacationing--a la when the cat is away, the mice will play. And I think we are all familiar with the cheeky phrase What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. One summer of 2012 study of travelers found that 94% of Americans said they misbehaved while traveling. Ninety-four percent! We misbehaved by not following our regular exercise regimes and abandoning our diets. And there are other types of bad behavior that includes: drinking too much (71%); 31% of us took illicit drugs; 53% ate bad and/or fatty foods; 54% said they spent too much money traveling; and when traveling alone, many of us allegedly cheat on our spouses! Road warriors traveling on business were the worst offenders--a 66% assumption of cheating. See, family vacations are important!


America's Vacation Deficit Disorder: Who Stole Your Vacation?

All that's left of those long-ago vacations are a black and white photo of smiling 4-year-old me holding a stringer of Cape Cod "punkinseeds" and faded memories of salt-cod-filets hanging to dry on wooden racks on a dock in the hot summer sun.


"On the Trail: Fishing season is upon us", The Recorder, April 12, 2017

An employer of labor who should see to it that each man and woman working for him got a solid month of holiday in the course of the year, would, we feel convinced, make money by it in the long run; for there is hardly an occupation, from sawing wood to writing poetry, in which the mental state of the workman does not influence the result; and wherever the mental factor exists the man will do more and better work in eleven months than in twelve.


"Vacations", Essays, Comments, and Reviews

One-week vacations are too short to prevent burnout; by the time you relax enough not to think about the office the week is almost up.


Money and Outpatient Psychiatry

Everyone deserves to enjoy, visit unknown places, try other things, meet a lot of new friends, and feel at the top of the world. Life is full of fun, excitement, and adventure. Thus, vacation is an experience that's worth remembering for a lifetime. It heals a weary mind and soul.


Anthology of Filipino Migrants in Kuwait

Find what brings you joy and go there.


Marry Your Muse: Making a Lasting Commitment to Your Creativity

Wellness vacations are not a new trend. However, as travelers crave a break from hectic, hyper connected living, there is growing interest in immersive activities designed to revitalize the mind, body and soul.


"Resorts Infuse Fitness, Healthy Living for Self-Care Vacations", Hotel Business, April 17, 2017

But I'm a big believer in winging it. I'm a big believer that you're never going to find perfect city travel experience or the perfect meal without a constant willingness to experience a bad one. Letting the happy accident happen is what a lot of vacation itineraries miss, I think, and I'm always trying to push people to allow those things to happen rather than stick to some rigid itinerary.


"Q & A with Anthony Bourdain", LA Weekly, August 27, 2012

The family is always the family but during vacations it is an extended family and that is exhausting.


Paris, France

Tags: Gertrude Stein

Vacations are good for taking us away for a while from the things we deal with in the work world, and helping us get a fresh look at things when we return. Some companies insist their employees take a vacation for this reason.


Checklist for Staying Healthy

The only problem with politicians taking two week vacations every year is it's about 50 weeks too short.


The Days of Yay are Here! Wake Me Up When They're Over

I know a lot of people who think that vacations are only for rich people or that housecleaners are something only rich people have. When you put a few dollars aside and know that you can afford these things and deserve them, you will be amazed at how affordable they seem to become.


Pathway to Prosperity

Holidays are enticing only for the first week or so. After that, it is no longer such a novelty to rise late and have little to do.


A Jest of God

I do not really like vacations. I much prefer an occasional day off when I do not feel like working. When I am confronted with a whole week in which I have nothing to do but enjoy myself I do not know where to begin. To me, enjoyment comes fleetingly and unheralded; I cannot determinedly enjoy myself for a whole week at a time.


attributed, Quote Unquote

Tags: Robertson Davies

This vacation tip: If you see a gas station with a sign that says Clean Rest Rooms, it means one thing--the door is locked and no one can find the key.


Winning with One-Liners