quotations about wine

Wine quote

I'd say if you have any sense of curiosity, wine shouldn't be intimidating. It should be a path of discovery. An adventure. Read a little. Taste a lot. And take notes.


"How to Drink Wine Without Looking Dumb or Going Broke", City Pages, February 3, 2016

The more I have learned about wine ... the more I have realized that it weaves in with human history from its very beginning as few, if any, other products do. Textiles, pottery, bread ... there are other objects of daily use that we can also trace back to the Stone Age. Yet wine alone is charged with sacramental meaning, with healing powers; indeed with a life of its own.


Hugh Johnson's Story of Wine

Tags: Hugh Johnson

I like to have a glass of wine when I come off stage, after three hours of frenzy it brings me back down to earth, it takes me back to the soil.


"Sting: I make good wine as revenge", The Drinks Business, April 12, 2017

In Italy, the "Old World," wine and food go together naturally, organically, without too much thought. Here in the "New World" we put so much work and emphasis on having just the right wine, just the right vintage, just the right pairing that perhaps, sometimes, we miss the point. We tend to over think it, to over work it. Wine enhances a meal. But if it becomes a focal point, then maybe we have our priorities out of sequence.


"Wine Ink: All Hail Italy -- drinking from the Boot is about pure pleasure", Sierra Sun, May 20, 2016

Wine is a great communicator ... story-telling and wine-drinking and song-writing are pretty closely linked.


"Sting: I make good wine as revenge", The Drinks Business, April 12, 2017

Drink is in itself a good Creature of God, and to be received with thankfulness, but the abuse of drink is from Satan; the wine is from God, but the Drunkard is from the Devil.


Wo to Drunkards

Tags: Increase Mather

Beer is prose. Wine is poetry.


Waiter, There's a Horse in My Wine

Tags: Jennifer Rosen

So drink and say whatever you want. It's a free and clear expression of your spirit. If a Sauvignon Blanc tastes like bobsledding down a field of wildflowers, then that is what it tastes like. I've never bobsledded, but I know exactly what bobsledding down a field of wildflowers tastes like, because I've drank enough Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc and that's what I decided it tastes like. Because wine is not math. Wine is a creative writing course. And this is me giving you poetic license to drink and describe wine however you'd like to.


Wine. All the Time: The Casual Guide to Confident Drinking

Maybe all that wine is an Instagram filter for our own lives, so we don't see how sallow and cracked they've become.


"Wine. Immediately. The depressing reason so many women drink.", Vox, August 25, 2017

Tags: life

The mark of a truly great wine is balance. The harmonious blend of all the wine's components, fruit, acid, tannins, alcohol, and oak (if any was used), will announce its quality.


The Wine Brats' Guide to Living with Wine

Wine is the holy grail of alcohol options.


"4 Reasons Wine Is The Only Type Of Alcohol You Should Drink In Your 20s", Elite Daily, May 25, 2016

It takes a lot of good beer to make great wine.


Winemaker of Belle Pente

I think as long as we live, wine is never going to take second place to cocktails, because, you know, we eat. And when we eat, we cannot have a martini; we have a glass of wine.


"The Once and Future Piero Selvaggio", Wine Spectator, April 30, 2017

There's a new wine I want to try. I heard about it through the grapevine.


How to Construct a Coffin with Six Karate Chops

Here's my best estimation of what wine would have tasted like in Jesus's day. Because of no filtration, biblical wine was probably not smooth but a bit harsh from constant exposure to the organic material that we usually filter out today. The added must would increase the alcohol level a bit and extract an extra layer of tannin, making it a bit rough around the edges. But because of the must added, the residual sugar levels would be higher, which would add juicy roundness to the harshness. Red wine would probably be very dark in color, which is probably why in the Bible, Jesus uses it as a symbol for his blood.


"What wine would Jesus drink?", Vinepair, April 11, 2017

If a man rejoice not in his drinking, he is mad; for in drinking it's possible ... to fondle breasts, and to caress well tended locks, and there is dancing withal, and oblivion of woe.


The Cyclops

Tags: Euripides

I may not here omit those two main plagues, and common dotages of human kind, wine and women, which have infatuated and besotted myriads of people. They go commonly together.


Anatomy of Melancholy

Tags: Robert Burton

Wine is valued by its price, not its flavour.


The Belton Estate

Tags: Anthony Trollope

In vino veritas, the Roman author Pliny the Elder wrote. In wine is truth. It's an old Latin phrase making fun of people who speak their minds under the influence of alcohol.... Today, in vino veritas has been embraced by wine lovers as a positive, or at least a nuanced, statement. There is always that negative connotation of loose-lipped inebriation, but it also hints of a more positive truth, hidden within ourselves and revealed through wine's mystical quality to elevate our spirit, as the wine we take at communion brings us closer to God.


"In Vino Veritas", WineLine, June 4, 2018

Tags: truth

Great wine is great wine, regardless of the packaging; sadly the converse is also true.


"Box Wine -- Not that bad at all", Jamaica Observer, June 2, 2016