quotations about yoga

Yoga quote

You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state.


attributed, Awareness: Creating Your Own Balance in Life

What yoga philosophy and all the great Buddhist teachings tells us is that solidity is a creation of the ordinary mind and that there never was anything permanent to begin with that we could hold on to. Life would be much easier and substantially less painful if we lived with the knowledge of impermanence as the only constant.


Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit

Yoga is really the art of waking up. Getting back to the true you. It can be that simple.


"Yoga With Adriene Is This Year's Most Googled Fitness YouTuber", Grazia Daily

While it may seem mellow compared to most training programs, yoga's health benefits keep pace--and often outdistance--what many people would call "traditional" forms of exercise. For starters, research shows regular yoga practice lowers your risk for heart disease and hypertension. Yoga may also lessen symptoms of depression, headaches, diabetes, some forms of cancer and pain-related diseases like arthritis.


"You Asked: Is Yoga Good Exercise?", Time, January 20, 2016

A photographer gets people to pose for him. A yoga instructor gets people to pose for themselves.


attributed, Quote Unquote

Sit still. Stop thinking.


Eight Lectures on Yoga

Tags: Aleister Crowley

As the trunk is one but the branches are many, yoga is one but adaptations may vary.


"Yoga: A Path to Wholeness", BeliefNet

A lot of times people will think, "I'm strong, I'm in shape; why can't I do this pose?" But that's not the point. There's nothing to win in yoga. You just do what you can do, one day to the next.


"How Adam Levine Finds Strength, Focus, and Balance", Men's Health

Yoga powers. To make oneself invisible or small. To become gigantic and reach to the farthest things. To change the course of nature. To place oneself anywhere in space or time ... in one's deepest inner mind, or in the minds of others.


The Lords: Notes on Vision

Tags: Jim Morrison

Yoga is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way. With yoga, we become aware of how and where we are restricted -- in body, mind, and heart -- and how gradually to open and release these blockages. As these blockages are cleared, our energy is freed. We start to feel more harmonious, more at one with ourselves. Our lives begin to flow -- or we begin to flow more in our lives.


Simple Yoga

Tags: Cybele Tomlinson

The most important pieces of equipment you need for doing yoga are your body and your mind.


Yoga: The Poetry of the Body

Tags: Rodney Yee

Combined with values, Yoga is the only source of hope for humanity to restore peace. Remember, without practice of yoga, unbridled consumerism and reinless commercialism cannot be kept under checks and balances and neither can man have purity of thought nor peace of mind. A conscious effort to incorporate yoga into our lives is necessary to face all shades of extremism within ourselves and out there in the world.


"The power of yoga: a peace offering to oneself", The Indian Express, March 16, 2017

Yoga is a matter of the Spirit and not of the intellect. For just as water will find its way through every obstruction, in order to rise to the level of its source, so does the spirit in man strive upwards ever towards the source whence it came.


Yoga: The Hatha Yoga and the Raja Yoga

Tags: Annie Besant

Yoga heals, nourishes, and challenges us. The practice infiltrates every corner of our lives.


How We Live Our Yoga

Tags: Valerie Jeremijenko

Yoga is the unifying art of transforming dharma into action, be it through inspired thought, properly nurturing our children, a painting, a kindness or an act of peace that forever moves humanity forward.


attributed, "Yoga Inspiration: My 25 Favorite Yoga Quotes", Yoganonymous

The undiscovered is not far away. It's not something to be found eventually. It is contained within what is right in front of us. The essence of reality is being born right now. It has never existed before.


Japanese Yoga: The Way of Dynamic Meditation

Tags: reality

Just teaching the physical aspect of yoga is like having a stillborn baby. It is not only inefficient; it is a tragedy.


Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy

There is no waiting and no delayed gratification because yoga is both the means and the result, and the seed of all that is possible is present at the very beginning. This experience of stillness is possible in the first ten minutes of your first yoga class. It is possible in this very breath.


Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit

Tags: Donna Farhi

Yoga calms me down. It's a therapy session, a workout, and meditation all at the same time!


attributed, The Little Red Book of Yoga Wisdom

This, then, is the first definition of yoga: walking through the fire of refusing our first reactions, knowing that while we might not choose our circumstances, we can choose our responses to them.


"What is yoga? You asked Google - here's the answer", The Guardian, February 22, 2017