quotations about yoga

Yoga quote

Everyone knows yoga is great for turning your body into a pretzel and relieving stress, but have you ever noticed how toned a yogi's arms and legs are? These people are getting ripped without even stepping one foot into a traditional gym.


"If You Want Toned Muscles Before Summer, Skip the Gym and Head to Yoga", Elite Daily, March 8, 2017

Yoga in the West has become over identified with the physical, with the form, and with the fashion of the form. This is problematic. If we have a good teacher, we soon see that there is nothing to fear. The idea of yoga is to take care of our physical limitations and get beyond our self-obsession. We learn that we can let go of this ego identification and have a glimpse of a much wider field of experience.


interview, LoveToKnow

Yoga is the cessation of mind.


The Yoga Sutras

Tags: Patanjali

The aspirant would do well to avoid those "spiritual teachers" who delight in pointing out the evils of the world. These are immature egos attempting to discard their own negativities by projecting them onto others. The true yogi is one who is like a lion with himself, always striving to eradicate that which shadows his inner light, and like a lamb with others, always striving to see their inner light, no matter how dense may be the clouds that hide it. He is the king of the jungle of his world. He hides from no one and seeks escape from nothing.


The Yoga of Spiritual Devotion: A Modern Translation of the Narada Bhakti Sutras

Exercises are like prose, whereas yoga is the poetry of movements. Once you understand the grammar of yoga; you can write your poetry of movements.


Yoga and Vipassana: An Integrated Lifestyle

Tags: poetry

Yoga is almost like music in a way; there's no end to it.


attributed, The Little Red Book of Yoga Wisdom