quotations about advertising

Great advertising is almost always risk-taking, if not occasionally irreverent.


attributed, "An Open Letter to the AAF President on the Ridiculousness of All-Male, All-White Juries", AdWeek, March 3, 2016

I have discovered the most exciting, the most arduous literary form of all, the most difficult to master, the most pregnant in curious possibilities. I mean the advertisement. It is far easier to write ten passably effective sonnets, good enough to take in the not too inquiring critic, than one effective advertisement that will take in a few thousand of the uncritical buying public.


On the Margin: Notes and Essays

Tags: Aldous Huxley

Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century.


Advertising Age, Sep. 3, 1976

Tags: Marshall McLuhan, art

The ad is a meeting place of all the arts and all the skills and all the media of the American environment.


Culture Is Our Business

Tags: Marshall McLuhan

Advertising is the principal reason why the business person has come to inherit the earth.


attributed, Quotes about Advertising

Tags: business

Ads are a funny thing: Everyone says they hate them, yet everyone responds to at least some of them, whether they realize it or not. The ability to build a brand is 100% dependent on advertising, and the future of advertising has never been as foggy as it is right now.


"A Less-Disruptive Advertising Future", Online SPIN, February 17, 2016

You think these annoying ads are free? They really are not. You pay. You get charged for bandwidth overages on your ISP Internet plan. So, wait -- we are paying to get advertising that we don't want? First of all, what gives advertisers the right to distract us and cost us money? One thing to keep in mind is that in order for content to be provided for free, we may have to deal with the advertising that supports it. If Internet advertising more closely resembled the TV or radio models, it would be acceptable. However, it goes far beyond those simple approaches. Year after year, Internet advertising gobbles up more and more of our bandwidth, costing us more money. Every month, it seems, many of us are billed for overages. Perhaps we could live with the advertising clutter on our screen if the marketers would get their act together. If I want a quiet page, I should be able to get a quiet page. You'd think the ad community could figure out how to stop abusing users so we could live together peacefully once again.


"The Flip Side of the Shiny Internet Coin", E-Commerce Times, March 3, 2016

Advertising is not fraud; people are not fools. Advertising is light, and knowledge and education.


Better Business