quotations about writing

The writer must be universal in sympathy and an outcast by nature: only then can he see clearly.


Flaubert's Parrot

Tags: Julian Barnes

Fictional characters are made of words, not flesh; they do not have free will, they do not exercise volition. They are easily born, and as easily killed off.


attributed, Irish Writers and Their Creative Process

If a high quality of writing is to occur, it is reasonable to acknowledge that an open mind and a critical ear are essential tools that are used during all phases of revision.


"Reading Aloud Is Essential to Quality Writing", Liberty Voice, January 31, 2016

First, think in as homely a way as you can; next, shove your pen under the thought, and lift it by polysyllables to the true level of fiction.


Peg Woffington

Tags: Charles Reade

All stories are about wolves. All worth repeating, that is. Anything else is sentimental drivel.


The Blind Assassin

Tags: Margaret Atwood

My approach to revision hasn't changed much over the years. I know there are writers who do it as they go along, but my method of attack has always been to plunge in and go as fast as I can, keeping the edge of my narrative blade as sharp as possible by constant use, and trying to outrun the novelist's most insidious enemy, which is doubt.


foreword, The Gunslinger

Tags: Stephen King

In a very real way, one writes a story to find out what happens in it. Before it is written it sits in the mind like a piece of overheard gossip or a bit of intriguing tattle. The story process is like taking up such a piece of gossip, hunting down the people actually involved, questioning them, finding out what really occurred, and visiting pertinent locations. As with gossip, you can't be too surprised if important things turn up that were left out of the first-heard version entirely; or if points initially made much of turn out to have been distorted, or simply not to have happened at all.


The Jewel-Hinged Jaw

I want to write because I have the urge to excel in one medium of translation and expression of life. I can't be satisfied with the colossal job of merely living. Oh, no, I must order life in sonnets and sestinas and provide a verbal reflector for my 60-watt lighted head.


The Journals of Sylvia Plath

Tags: Sylvia Plath

When anything important has to be written ... I think your hand concentrates for you.


The Paris Review, spring 1981

Tags: Rebecca West

It didn't occur to me that my books would be widely read at all, and that enabled me to write anything I wanted to. And even once I realized that they were being read, I still wrote as if I were writing in secret. That's how one has to write anyway--in secret.


The Paris Review, winter 2010

Without a pen in my hand I can't think.


interview, The Paris Review, summer 1997

Tags: John le Carré

How hard is the destiny of a maker of books! He has to cut and sew up in order to make ideas follow logically. But when one writes a book on reverie, has the time not come to let the pen run, to let reverie speak, and better yet to dream the reverie at the same time one believes he is transcribing it?


The Poetics of Reverie: Childhood, Language, and the Cosmos

Tags: Gaston Bachelard

I have no taste for either poverty or honest labor, so writing is the only recourse left for me.


The Proud Highway

Tags: Hunter S. Thompson

I really think that reading is just as important as writing when you're trying to be a writer. Because it's the only apprenticeship we have.


"Nov. 26th: Writing Advice (And Notes on Surnameless Tiffany)", YouTube

Tags: John Green

Writers are greatly respected. The intelligent public is wonderfully patient with them, continues to read them, and endures disappointment after disappointment, waiting to hear from art what it does not hear from theology, philosophy, social theory, and what it cannot hear from pure science. Out of the struggle at the center has come an immense, painful longing for a broader, more flexible, fuller, more coherent, more comprehensive account of what we human beings are, who we are and what this life is for.


Nobel lecture, December 12, 1976

Tags: Saul Bellow

I write from a thorough conviction that it is the duty of me, and with the belief that, after every drawback and shortcoming, I do my best, all things considered--that is for me, and, so being, the not being listened to by one human creature would, I hope, in nowise affect me.


letter to Elizabeth Barrett, February 11, 1845

Tags: Robert Browning

Some people talk to themselves, and some people write, and somehow society has decided that one gets committed and one gets a paycheck.


official website

Tags: Bob Lonsberry

Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college.


A Man Without a Country

Remember that in today's market, distribution and promotion are as important as craft. But don't forget what made you want to write fiction. If it was for the money, you're in the wrong business!


interview, Book Browsing, July 26, 2012

Tags: Elizabeth Zelvin

Whenever they tell me children want this sort of book and children need this sort of writing, I am going to smile politely and shut my earlids. I am a writer, not a caterer. There are plenty of caterers. But what children most want and need is what we and they don't know they want and don't think they need, and only writers can offer it to them.


"A Message About Messages", CBC Magazine

Tags: Ursula K. Le Guin