quotations about writing

I am not someone who is very good at writing a certain amounts every day. I know that's what one is told one should do, but what I tend to do is kind of sequester myself away while I am in London for a few weeks at a time and become very antisocial and write very, very intensively over a relatively short time. I am much more of a burst writer than a steady-state writer.


"In a Carapace of Light: A Conversation with China Miéville", Clarkesworld

Tags: China Miéville

The triumph of the written word is often attained when the writer achieves union and trust with the reader, who then becomes ready to be drawn deep into unfamiliar territory, walking in borrowed literary shoes so to speak, toward a deeper understanding of self or society, or of foreign peoples, cultures, and situations.


There Was a Country: A Personal History of Biafra

With pen and with pencil we're learning to say
Nothing, more cleverly every day.



Tags: William Allingham

I really believe there are many excellent writers who have never written because they never could begin. This is especially the case of people of great sensitiveness, or of people of advanced education. Professors suffer most of all from this inhibition. Many of them carry their unwritten books to the grave. They overestimate the magnitude of the task, they overestimate the greatness of the final result. A child in a prep school will write the History of Greece and fetch it home finished after school. "He wrote a fine History of Greece the other day," says his fond father. Thirty years later the child, grown to be a professor, dreams of writing the History of Greece -- the whole of it from the first Ionic invasion of the Aegean to the downfall of Alexandria. But he dreams. He never starts. He can't. It's too big. Anybody who has lived around a college knows the pathos of those unwritten books.


How to Write

Tags: Stephen Leacock

I like to write. Sometimes I'm afraid that I like it too much because when I get into work I don't want to leave it. As a result I'll go for days and days without leaving the house or wherever I happen to be. I'll go out long enough to get papers and pick up some food and that's it. It's strange, but instead of hating writing I love it too much.


interview with Roy Newquist, Counterpoints, 1964

Tags: Harper Lee

The industry is a terrible, cold place run by people who love to tear writers apart. Rejection is the norm, which means writing is the act of falling madly, deeply in love with your characters and story, even knowing you'll probably get your heart broken for it.


"Beware the Writing Zombies", Huffington Post, February 25, 2016

Whether 10 or 1,000 people are listening is irrelevant. Writing is an investment in your future and your potential.


"Why You Should Write (Even If It Feels Like Nobody Is Listening)", Huffington Post, February 29, 2016

The writer must believe that what he is doing is the most important thing in the world. And he must hold to this illusion even when he knows it is not true.


New York Times, June 2, 1969

Tags: John Steinbeck

Write only of what is important and eternal.


The Seagull

To say that a writer's hold on reality is tenuous is an understatement -- it's like saying the Titanic had a rough crossing. Writers build their own realities, move into them, and occasionally send letters home.


The Martian Child

Tags: David Gerrold

We need the expressive arts, the ancient scribes, the storytellers, the priests. And that's where I put myself: as a storyteller. Not necessarily a high priestess, but certainly the storyteller. And I would love to be the storyteller of the tribe.


"Love & Death & Publishers", Locus Magazine, April 1998

Tags: Tanith Lee

I think without writing I would feel completely useless.


The Observer, March 20, 2010

Tags: Sam Shepard

I hate writing, I love having written.


attributed, Rhymes with Vain

A writer should be able to express himself easily, naturally, copiously in a form that frees his mind, his energies. Why should he hobble himself with formalities?


The Paris Review, winter 1966

A lot of novelists start late--Conrad, Pirandello, even Mark Twain. When you're young, chess is all right, and music and poetry. But novel-writing is something else. It has to be learned, but it can't be taught. This bunkum and stinkum of college creative writing courses! The academics don't know that the only thing you can do for someone who wants to write is to buy him a typewriter.


The Paris Review, spring-summer 1978

Tags: James M. Cain

I know exactly what I want to write. I do not write until I do. Usually I write it all down only once. And that goes relatively quickly, since it really depends only on how fast I type.


interview, ZDF TV, Zur Person, October 28, 1964

Tags: Hannah Arendt

The writer is delegated to declare and to celebrate man's proven capacity for greatness of heart and spirit -- for gallantry in defeat -- for courage, compassion and love. In the endless war against weakness and despair, these are the bright rally-flags of hope and of emulation.


Nobel Prize acceptance speech, December 10, 1962

Fiction is based on reality unless you're a fairy-tale artist, you have to get your knowledge of life from somewhere. You have to know the material you're writing about before you alter it.


interview, Associated Press, 2003

I think a writer's job is to provoke questions. I like to think that if someone's read a book of mine, they've had--I don't know what--the literary equivalent of a shower. Something that would start them thinking in a slightly different way perhaps. That's what I think writers are for. This is what our function is.


The Paris Review, spring 1988

You have to seduce the reader, manipulate their mind and heart, listen to the music of language. I sometimes think of prose as music, in terms of its rhythms and dynamics, the way you compress and expand the attention of a reader over a sentence, the way the tempo pushes you towards an image or sensation. We want an intense experience, so that we can forget ourselves when we enter the world of the book. When you are reading, the physical object of the book should disappear from your hands.


"The Shadow Maker", The Telegraph, November 27, 2005

Tags: Carlos Ruiz Zafon